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Presentation for Student Leaders 2018 SDLP

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation for Student Leaders 2018 SDLP"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation for Student Leaders 2018 SDLP
Blue Hat White Hat Green Hat Red Hat Yellow Hat Black Hat The Six Thinking Hats Presentation for Student Leaders 2018 SDLP

2 Session objectives To generate ideas about creativity
To explore thinking styles To discover lateral thinking (LT) To practice using an LT technique Dr. Brewer

3 What is creativity? Write a brief definition of creativity and an example [4 minutes] When directed, share with a partner [3 mins. each = 6 mins. total] We’ll share as a large group.

4 The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas
The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas. Linus Pauling

5 Lateral Thinking Edward de Bono

6 The Nine-Dot Problem

7 Generating Alternatives

8 How do YOU think? What’s your thinking style?

9 Problem-solving exercise
Students at your community college frequently have a problem with How do you think this common problem can be solved? Write a few notes about the problem and ways to solve it. [5 minutes]

10 Problem-solving exercise
-How did you approach the problem? -What kinds of thinking did you do? -Diverse ways of thinking = better results!

11 The 6 Thinking Hats Parallel thinking processes
Blue Hat White Hat Green Hat Red Hat Yellow Hat Black Hat The 6 Thinking Hats Parallel thinking processes Reduces limited approaches Greater range of possibilities Better ideas Greater teamwork & innovation

12 Problem-solving exercise
Students at your community college frequently have a problem with How do you think this common problem can be solved? Write a few notes about the problem and ways to solve it. [5 minutes]

13 Thinking together, we can. . .
Generate more ideas Develop better ideas Solve problems Learn faster Improve teamwork Be more creative

14 Imagine a future of creative ideas!
Dr. Brewer

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