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Lecture 15 RTD, Quantum Dots, Hot Electron Structures

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1 Lecture 15 RTD, Quantum Dots, Hot Electron Structures



4 Lateral Design Vertical Design

5 Quantum Dot : 0 D

6 Condition: U=q2/2C >> kT
C is very very small…..structure is very very small T is very very small….. 4K…300mK…50mK Relationship with 0 D

7 Title: Shell filling and spin effects in a few electron quantum dot
Author(s): Tarucha S, Austing DG, Honda T, vanderHage RJ, Kouwenhoven LP Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 77 (17): OCT Document Type: Article Language: English Cited References: 15      Times Cited: 701                          

8 Vertical Quantum Dots Artificial Atoms


10 Coulomb Blockade-----Diamond Features

11 Hot Electron Structures:
Electron in emitter is several kT higher than in collector (source) (drain) (2) Strong electrical field (oxide damage; reliability issue in Si MOSFET)

12 Ballistic Injection Structures:

13 Ballistic Transport in HBT
Homework: Read and study “Modern Semiconductor Device Physics” pp

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