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Literature Grade 8-9.

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1 Literature Grade 8-9

2 Methods AO2- This is the weakest area.
A method is not summarising the story nor is it feature spotting. The examiner knows the story and they know what a language feature is. WHY is the most important aspect for your analysis. WHY has the writer structured it this way? Why has the writer used juxtaposition? How does that METHOD link to the overall message of the text? See the bigger picture.

3 What are methods? Macro Narrative POV Settings Characterisation
patterns of language: repetition, semantic field etc. Micro Imagery: metaphor, simile, personification etc. Sentence variety Vocabulary and connotations

4 Level 6 - Convincing, critical analysis and exploration ( 21-24 marks )
AO1 Critical, exploratory, conceptualised response to task and text Judicious use of precise references to support interpretation AO2 Analysis of methods with subject terms used judiciously Exploration of effects of writers methods on the reader Well structured argument (logical development of ideas ) conceptualised approach to task (understanding ideas of the task) Range of well chosen references / supporting evidence Analysis of language + form/structure ( Why? What effect? ) supported by subject terms

5 Advice Exam board: You will get capped at 20 (or below) if you don’t explore form/structure too. Remember: you don’t have time to talk about everything - be selective Form / structure: What does the title and first line suggest? What has happened between the first line and the final line? Voice /speaker / point of view Is there a volta / turning point in the poem? Look for patterns - repetition, pairs, parallels, contrasts, recurring images, semantic field of ... You must analyse some imagery in detail Keep asking Why has the writer done this? What effect does it create? Link all points to the focus of the question - keep checking

6 Two scavengers in a Truck, two beautiful people in a Mercedes
Focus question: How does the poet present the two pairs of characters in the poem? TASK: Read the poem (work out what is going on-5 W’s) Read the poem again and find two methods that the poet uses to explore the characters (One macro and one micro) Macro Narrative POV Settings Characterisation patterns of language: repetition, semantic field etc. Micro Imagery: metaphor, simile, personification etc. Sentence variety Vocabulary and connotations

7 How does the poet present the two pairs of characters in the poem?
Write an analytical paragraph for this question. Reminder: Have a topic sentence with a focus on methods and key word in question Instead of “shows” creates the impression demonstrates establishes exhibits highlights illustrates implies (not infers) indicates presents suggests

8 WAGOLL The poet uses a very fragmented structure to represent the stark divisions between the two social classes. The caesuras throughout the poem illustrate the “gulf” that exists between them.

9 How does your paragraph match the Level 6 description?
AO1 Critical, exploratory, conceptualised response to task and text Judicious use of precise references to support interpretation AO2 Analysis of methods with subject terms used judiciously Exploration of effects of writers methods on the reader Well structured argument (logical development of ideas ) conceptualised approach to task (understanding ideas of the task) Range of well chosen references / supporting evidence Analysis of language + form/structure ( Why? What effect? ) supported by subject terms


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