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Why I take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously

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2 Why I take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously
Presented by: Dennis Fuqua

3 Why I take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously
Since prayer is such an essential topic, why hasn’t He made it more clear? Why hasn’t God just come down out of heaven and told us the best way to pray? Wouldn’t it be great if we could ask Him how He wants us to pray, and have Him answer us? Why hasn’t He just said, “This is how I want you to pray” or, “When you pray, pray like this…”?

4 Why I take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously

5 Why I take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously
We are commanded “When” not “if” to pray - Obedience

6 Why I take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously
First, notice Who is giving the instructions Given on two occasions Matthew 6 – Jesus-initiated as a key part of His instructions on spiritual disciplines Luke 11 – disciple-initiated in response to seeing Jesus pray

7 Why I take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously
Two different settings, two different occasions, two different mountains, separated by many miles and many months c.100 miles

8 Why I take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously
So, maybe when Jesus said, “When you pray, pray like this…” Perhaps He actually meant it! 

9 Why I take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously
Notice what Scripture says about hearing and responding John 13:17 – “Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” James 1:22 – “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”

10 Why I take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously
Notice what Scripture says about hearing and responding John 13:17 & James 1:22 Matthew 7:24-27

11 Why I take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously
Notice what Scripture says about hearing and responding John 13:17 & James 1:22 Matthew 7:24-27 Heard Jesus Put them into practice Wise Man Solid foundation - Rock Experienced a storm Survived the storm

12 Why I take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously
Notice what Scripture says about hearing and responding John 13:17 & James 1:22 Matthew 7:24-27 Heard Jesus Put them into practice Did not put them into practice Wise Man Foolish man Solid foundation - Rock Weak foundation - Sand Experienced a storm Survived the storm Was destroyed in the storm

13 Why I take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously
We are commanded “When” not “if” to pray - Obedience

14 Why I take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously
We are commanded “When” not “if” to pray - We pray in order to see things changed Practical Obedience

15 Why I take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously
Simply looking carefully at the content of this prayer demands that we take it seriously I can’t think of a better pattern for prayer. Can you? Seven requests covering all of God’s heart - and all of our needs

16 Why I take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously
Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

17 Why I take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously
Our Father in Heaven Let Your name be holy Let Your kingdom come Let Your will be done Give us this day our daily bread Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors Lead us not into temptation Deliver us from the evil one For the kingdom, and the power, and the glory are Yours forever. Amen On earth as it is in heaven

18 Why I take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously
We are commanded “When” not “if” to pray - We pray in order to see things changed Practical Obedience

19 Why I take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously
We are commanded “When” not “if” to pray - We pray in order to see things changed Practical Obedience Relational Communication is the basis of all relationship – Prayer is our deepest form of communication

20 Why I take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously
It is not primarily about prayer, it is primarily about a deeper relationship with the Triune God The level of all my relationships is determined and defined by the level of my communication in those relationships My relationship with God is my most important relationship

21 Why I take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously
Therefore the level of my communication with God (my prayer life) defines and determines the level of my most important relationship The more I pray, the more I grow; the more I grow, the more I pray

22 Why I take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously
Notice what this prayer teaches us about God He is our Father – we can relate to Him He is Heavenly – we canNOT relate to Him His name is the most holy name we will ever hear His kingdom is the best form of government we will ever be exposed to Following His will is the most fulfilling invitation we will ever receive

23 Why I take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously
He is the best Giver ever He is the best Forgiver ever He is the best Leader ever He is the best Deliverer ever It is His kingdom, His power, and His glory that matter.

24 Why I take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously
We are commanded “When” not “if” to pray - We pray in order to see things changed Practical Obedience Relational Communication is the basis of all relationship – Prayer is our deepest form of communication

25 How YOU can take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously
Hear and respond to this message Read a copy of LIVING PRAYER: the Lord’s Prayer Alive in You Attend the LIVING PRAYER seminar. Download a free copy of the 10 week study guide from and work your way through it with others. Practice, practice, practice

26 Why I take the Lord’s Prayer Seriously
Our Father in Heaven Let Your name be holy Let Your kingdom come Let Your will be done Give us this day our daily bread Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors Lead us not into temptation Deliver us from the evil one For the kingdom, and the power, and the glory are Yours forever. Amen On earth as it is in heaven

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