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Evaluation of tablet dosage form 2) hardness and thickness

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1 Evaluation of tablet dosage form 2) hardness and thickness
Aram I. Ibrahim University of sulaimani College of pharmacy Dep. Of pharmaceutics

2 Content Introduction Hardness test Thickness test Experimental work

3 Introduction Tablet hardness is the force necessary to break the tablet diametrically. 

4 Hardness test To perform hardness test the tablets are located between two anvils and force is applied to the anvils, and the strength required to break the tablet is noted.

5 Hardness test The force with which the tablet is broken is expressed in kilograms and a hardness of 4Kg is usually good to be the minimum for satisfactory tablets. Oral tablets have a hardness of 4 to 10kg, but hypodermic and chewable tablets have a  hardness of 3 kg and sustained release tablets have about kg.

6 Thickness The thickness of individual tablets is measured with micrometer, which gives us information  about the variation between tablets.  Tablet thickness should be within a ±5% variation of a standard value.

7 Experimental work Measure the thickness and hardness of 5 tablets and compare them.


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