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The Vietnam War Going to War.

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1 The Vietnam War Going to War


3 Vocab List 37 P 400 CH 17 -Domino Theory -Napalm -Guerilla -Agent Orange -Ho Chi Minh (P 400) -Ho Chi Minh Trail (P 405)

4 I. What we already know: 1) Containment - we are trying to stop the expansion of communism 2) The presidents during this era: → Eisenhower: Threatens nuclear war but never acts. → Kennedy: Cuban Missile Crisis scared the world. Assassinated → Lyndon B Johnson: Takes over for Kennedy. Vietnam is his baby. 3) Korean War - China & Korea both fall into communism. We now are worried about the Domino Theory. Idea: if Vietnam fell to communism, the rest of southeast Asia (Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Indonesia) would too. We worry for our only allies - Japan and S Korea. Don’t write this: See Map on P 401.


6 II. Big Picture Vietnam Lasts from 1965 - 1973
We will send 500,000 troops to Vietnam Mostly lower class men because you would not get drafted if going to college. We will spend $100,000,000,000 (100 Billion) in Vietnam We will use more bombs than both Allies & Axis powers combined (in WWII) in Vietnam… :( Death tolls: 58,000 US Troops will die (20% are African American) Why?. 4,000,000 Vietnamese will die. Wikipedia: Agent Orange :(

7 Horrifying :( Agent Orange


9 III. A Bit of History... A) Vietnam was France’s colony until the 1950s. Although we opposed colonization of countries after WWII We support France’s colony because its better than communism. B) Vietnam is split in two ***N Vietnam = Communist led by Ho Chi Minh***, supported by China & Russia S Vietnam = Capitalist, led & supported by USA Just like Korea! C) We never declared war… Instead, in 1963, JFK “sends advisors” Advising quickly became shooting...


11 IV. Gulf of Tonkin In 1964 during Lyndon B Johnson’s presidency-- the public is told about: “A North Korean Patrol Boat Attacking US Warships in the Gulf of Tonkin” Gulf of Tonkin Resolution: Congress then tells president “take all necessary measures to repel attacks” President then increased troop levels and bombs the North Funny thing though: THE GULF OF TONKIN INCIDENT NEVER OCCURRED WE ENDED UP IN A WAR FOR NO REASON. Should remind you of The U.S.S Maine in Spanish-American War

12 General admits: DID NOT HAPPEN

13 Famous Vietnam Photos:


15 Banksy


17 Buddhist protesting

18 V. Vietnam War sucked All jungle fighting
Enemy used guerilla fighting tactics and then would blend into towns We used body counts to see who was winning war Whoever had more dead was “losing”... >< We used chemical weapons and napalm against 3 million civilians… + All of this was on television

19 Vietnam Intro

20 Daily Quiz 37 1) What exactly is the Domino theory?
2) True or False: The United States dropped more bombs into Vietnam than the US/Germans/Japanese/Russians/British/French/Italians did in WWII combined. 3) Which part of Vietnam is communist? 4) How is President Lyndon Johnson’s lie related to what happened to the USS Maine in Cuba (during the Spanish American War)? 5) What is Agent Orange? (Not in your notes, pay attention next time!).

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