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Review of psalms & preview of Daniel

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1 Review of psalms & preview of Daniel

2 Inattention (1) Fear (23) Intimidation (2) Hate (137) Trouble (3)
Psalm Topics Inattention (1) Fear (23) Intimidation (2) Hate (137) Trouble (3) Tears (6) Creation (8) Doubt (73) Sin (51) Death (90) Salvation (103) Praise (150)


4 Praying Our inattention – chapter 1
Blessed in the man who pays attention to God’s law and obeys His commands. He is like is like a Tree planted near living water that pours out blessings to others with the life he is given. The wicked will not stand in the Final Judgment. They are like dried up grass that is blown away and forgotten.

5 Praying Our Intimidation – chapter 2
Why do the Nations rage and plan in vain? He who sits in Heaven laughs and scoffs at them and their intentions. Be wise oh Kings; serve the Lord with fear. Blessed are all who take refuge in Him.

6 Praying Our Trouble – chapter 3
You O Lord are a shield about me. I lay down and slept; I woke again, for the Lord sustained me. Salvation belongs to the Lord! Restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit.

7 Praying Our creation – chapter 8
How majestic is your name in all the earth! Look at all this stuff you made! What are humans that you consider them? Yet you have made us only a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned us with glory and honor. You have given us dominion over your creation.

8 Praying Our Sin – chapter 51
Have mercy on me God, according to your steadfast love. Wash me from my iniquity. My sin is ever before me. Against you, you only have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight.

9 Praying Our salvation – chapter 103
Bless the Lord who: forgives all your sin, redeems your life, satisfies you with good, works justice for the oppressed, made his ways known to Moses, is slow to anger, and does not deal with us according to our sins, but with His steadfast love.

10 Praying Our fear – chapter 23
The Lord is my shepherd. He protects me, provides for me, and makes me rest. Goodness and mercy will be with me in life, and I will dwell with God forever even though I die.

11 Praying Our hate – chapter 137
By the waters of Babylon – there we sat and wept when remembered the time and place that we were with the Lord. We entrust our anger and vindication to you. We trust and hope that God will repay sin with punishment!

12 Praying Our tears – chapter 6
Do not rebuke me in your anger. Be gracious to me Lord. How long will I have to wait for relief? The Lord has heard and accepts my prayer.

13 Praying Our doubt – chapter 73
In truth, God is good to His people. But, I was close to not believing this when I saw how much wicked people can prosper so much. Wicked people triumph at the expense of righteous people who ask themselves ‘how can God know and do nothing?’ When I tried to figure it out with my thinking I couldn’t - until I entered into God’s house with Him. God will destroy the wicked. When I doubted your goodness I was like a brute - an animal without understanding. You are always with me. Who do I have at all but you?

14 Praying Our death – chapter 90
God you are from everlasting to everlasting. But humans are not that way. We are like grass that withers. Our sins and secrets are before you and make us deserve death. Teach us to count our days so that we can be wise. Please God, let us see some good works from our hands in service to you before we die.

15 Praying Our Praise – chapter 150
Praise God! Praise Him for what’s He has made and what he has done! In everything you do, do it for praise and worship to the Lord. God deserves all praise of all types from all peoples all the time. Praise the Lord!

16 Workshop time

17 Book of Daniel - Setting

18 The Structure of the book of daniel
6 Chapters of Historical Stories of Daniel, His Friends, and Various Kings 6 Chapters of Prophetic Visions and Some Interpretation

19 Theme of daniel The Sovereignty of God

20 Key Applications Identify one area of your life where you need to rely more upon God’ Sovereignty of all things. Pray about it this week before we start into Daniel Chapter 1 Keep track of your Build-A-Prayer and pray it daily

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