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Are you wondering what will happen at your appointment?

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1 Are you wondering what will happen at your appointment?
Yu of Guelph Veterinary Dermatology Are you wondering what will happen at your appointment?

2 They are even welcome to sit on the couch, if that’s how they roll!
At our clinic, you can expect to have your pet treated exactly the same as we treat our own pets... We were wolves, once. Wild and wary. Stealthy and cunning. Then we noticed you had couches. They are even welcome to sit on the couch, if that’s how they roll!

3 We try to make their experience as pleasant as possible!
You may notice that we play soothing music. This is meant to put our patients at ease, but it often helps our clients as well.

4 We use fear free techniques, so you may notice that we use appeasing pheromones to help your furry friend to relax If you have a cat, we may put a gauze square soaked with pheromones in their carrier when you arrive If you have an anxious dog, we may offer you a pheromone scented bandana to tie around their neck

5 “Good things take time…”
There will be a lot to go over, so your appointment is one hour long. Please be sure to budget your time accordingly. Don’t worry about trying to remember everything we are discussing – we will put everything down in writing and you a copy. We also send a copy to your family veterinarian to keep everyone in the loop!

6 What will actually happen?
A veterinary technician will take a history Please don’t bathe your pet for 5 days prior to your appointment – this will allow us to collect more accurate samples This is where we pick up a lot of clues to help us come up with a diagnosis We will do a dermatologic examination More often than not, some samples are taken to rule out any secondary fungal or bacterial infections Based on the above, we work with you to come up with a treatment plan, to make your pet more comfortable.

7 We always try to get to the root of your pet’s problem
Until that is addressed, many skin conditions will just relapse over and over again

8 We will ask you to book a recheck appointment in a month or two
Things should only get better, not worse, so please let us know if anything is not going as planned Many skin conditions require life long management so we will work with you, through , using monthly calendar updates

9 Be sure to bring all of your pet’s medications with you
Don’t feed your pet breakfast that morning, in case we need to use sedation for any procedures… … unless your pet is diabetic, then please feed them as usual

10 … and don’t forget that a picture is worth a thousand words!
X 6 X 6 X 6 or there are 6 follow-up communications included with each visit Be sure to use our follow-up communications form when you get in touch so that we have as much information as possible to understand exactly what is happening with your pet. that will allow us to make accurate recommendations in a timely manner for you. … and don’t forget that a picture is worth a thousand words!

11 See you soon! For your pet’s safety, please be sure that they are either on a leash or in a secure carrier upon arrival. PS. Thank-you!

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