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LA: Thursday, September 27, 2018

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1 LA: Thursday, September 27, 2018
Handouts: * None * If you were absent yesterday, pick up make-up work. Homework: * Have a great evening!  Assignments due: * None

2 Lesson Goal: Demonstrate your ability to analyze the plot elements in a story that’s featured as a video. Outcomes: Be able to . . . Identify the main character. State the main conflict that drives the story. Identify the climax (turning point) of the story. Explain how the main conflict got resolved.

3 Starter #1: This week we concluded our first Literature Unit, An Introduction to Literature. Let’s find a creative way to see if you can apply what we learned.  Today we are going to watch a video that presents a fictional story. Your job is to enjoy the story and answer these questions: 1) Who is the main character? 2) What is the main conflict that drives the story? 3) What is the climax (highest point of drama or turning point)? 4) How did the conflict get resolved? As you watch this story unfold, I need to remind you that this is a fictional account—it is NOT a true story. In fact, you might recognize two of the actresses in this episode. Wynonna Judd and Celine Dion are famous musical artists, and both appear in this episode.

4 Starter #2: The story we are about to watch opens with three people who look like regular human beings, but we soon learn that they are actually angels. As you watch, keep our four questions in mind: 1) Who is the main character? 2) What is the main conflict that drives the story? 3) What is the climax (highest point of drama, turning point)? 4) How did the conflict get resolved? Remember, this is a fictional account—it is not a true story. But it IS presented in a way that makes us feel like it’s true. That’s what good stories do.  By the way, make sure you watch closely to the very end. 

5 Starter #3: How did you answer each of our four questions? 1) Who was the main character? 2) What was the main conflict that drove the story? 3) What was the climax (highest point of drama, turning point)? 4) How did the conflict get resolved? Let’s add one more question: Could you determine the theme? What did you get out of this story? What was the take-away for you after seeing this entire story?

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