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Michail Anastasopoulos Lead Detector – Design Engineer

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Presentation on theme: "Michail Anastasopoulos Lead Detector – Design Engineer"— Presentation transcript:

1 CSPEC Detector Kick-off Workshop Design of the Detector - Overview of key parts to be manufactured
Michail Anastasopoulos Lead Detector – Design Engineer Ioannis Apostolidis Mechanical Engineer European Spallation Source ERIC 18/01/2019

2 Contents 1. Detector design
The CSPEC grid Supporting peripherals 2. Detector vessel design and manufacturing Vessel requirements Concepts & Evaluation Vessel design MG SEQ test Gas & Pressure 3. Current status & next steps

3 Detector design – The CSPEC grid
Modular, blades & block design Minimum no. of blades/grids required: - 15,120 (radial-outer) - 37,800 (radial-inner) ,440 - 128,520 (normal-coated) - 7,560 grids Outer blade Normal blade (coated) Inner blade Grid block Photo of triple + T.REX grid

4 Detector design – The CSPEC grid
Optimization for the B10 coating process: triple blade design Early triple blade version to test fitting

5 Detector design – The CSPEC grid
Grid configuration for CSPEC: 25x25x10mm voxel grids/column 6x16 voxel grid x columns/vessel n n

6 Detector design – Peripherals
3.6m slider system (54x) Design of supporting detector peripherals Different types of PCBs (648x wire PCBs, 378x back-bone PCBs) Total numbers of each item End-grids (108x) Back-bone (54x)

7 Detector vessel design and manufacturing
Vessel requirements: 135deg theta / 3.5m high / ±26deg vertical angle coverage Dead area comparable to current state of the art spectrometers (IN5, LET, etc) Voxel gap between adjacent detectors: ≤ 1x voxel Trade-off between vessel thickness and scattering Compatible with vacuum tank provisions for installation and maintenance MG SEQ vessel pictures Vessel production currently out of the CSPEC detector cost as defined at Scope Setting

8 Detector vessel design and manufacturing
Concept analysis and evaluation Images courtesy of I. Apostolidis Trade off between size, weight, stiffness, stress 8 Analyses of different configurations during concept design phase Stress distribution of interim design

9 Detector vessel design and manufacturing
4mm bend plate (window) - 25mm thick back-plate No middle stiffener, no need to align grids, lighter detector (<300kg) 3750 288 Main vessel parts/geometry ADD vessel images 322

10 Detector vessel design and manufacturing
Array design: 20mm dead space between adjacent detectors 27x single compartment / 2 column vessels Complete detector array n Voxel gap between adjacent detectors: 20mm

11 Detector vessel design and fabrication
Minimize dead space: 2 types of vessels with short/tall configuration and short/tall electronics box 5mm clearance between vessels Detectors are aligned internally

12 Detector vessel design and fabrication
Electronics box & vacuum interface: 2 different e-box types with access windows Integrated vacuum interface for cables & cooling Extra window image Simplified section view of e-box and vacuum interface Electronics box with access window

13 Detector vessel design and fabrication
Concept tested on MG SEQ (2018) Lessons learned: Change geometry of welded connections Replace gaskets by o-rings Provide separate lifting points for various handling operations Replace threads by inserts at certain areas Mention Differences between SEQ and CSPEC vessels – 3D comparison (section) MG SEQ 3D model and actual installation at SNS

14 Detector vessel design and fabrication
Gas and pressure Detector is pressurized with ArCO2 inside vacuum 2 scenarios considered for gas operating pressure: 0.5bar (Candidate gas system design from ILL / fail scenario: Detector pressure = atmospheric) 1.0 bar (Vessel wall modifications due to EU Pressure Equipment Directive - see N. De Ruette’s talk) Validation at 1.43x the operating pressure Final decision after prototype tests ArCO2 0.5bar Detector Pressure Schematic atm Electronics box vacuum

15 Current status & next steps
Fairly close to final design – Only minor changes expected after prototype production RFQ sent out already for 3.5m prototype - Vessel expected by May 2019 Thorough lab testing planned (handling, assembly, pressure tests, metrology) Preparation of Tender for the 27 Detector vessels On schedule with the IDR (Oct ’19) and TG3 (Nov ‘19) Design in collaboration with CSPEC engineers & scientists and ESS Vacuum group


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