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EThinK Homepage Zoe.

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Presentation on theme: "EThinK Homepage Zoe."— Presentation transcript:

1 eThinK Homepage Zoe

2 Who Am I? My name is Zoe Frances Dick and I go to St Andrews Anglican College. I am 13 years old. I love to play sport such as netball, swimming, touch, surfing and heaps more!! I also LOVE!!!! CHOCOLATE!!!! AND!!! FOOD!!! AND!!!! THE BEACH!!!!!!

3 What Makes Me Tick? When people scratch nails on a blackboard
When people take all my food

4 What Are My Goals For This Year?
To get really good grades in all my subjects And to listen more in class so I know what to do

5 What Makes Me Smile? 
When my mum buys me chocolate or lollies from the shops When I get to see my friends on the weekend My friends And Family

6 My Ideal Plan After St Andrews
Having a gap year with my friends going surfing around Australia.

7 My Favorite Quote Or Saying
Smile and the world will smile with you laugh and they will think you are on drugs!!!

8 Where Do I Want To Travel And Why?
I want to travel to Italy to try all the pizza and pasta there.

9 If I Could Meet Someone Dead Or Alive Who Would It Be?
I would like to meet Steph Gilmore because she is one of my idols and meeting her would be wonderful.

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