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FROTTAGE Discussion in groups of 2 or 3… What does this word mean?

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Presentation on theme: "FROTTAGE Discussion in groups of 2 or 3… What does this word mean?"— Presentation transcript:

1 FROTTAGE Discussion in groups of 2 or 3… What does this word mean?
10 minutes FROTTAGE Discussion in groups of 2 or 3… What does this word mean? Which language does this word originate from? How do you do a ‘frottage’?

2 Learning Objectives What I’m looking for… You will:
Learn what frottage is and how to create it. Learn to develop your mark making skills using various media. Learn to construct an organised background of textures that are created and found. What I’m looking for… You understand what a frottage is and how to create them successfully. You can create and find lots of effective and good quality textures. An ability to cut neat squares and rectangles and organise them to create a structured mixed-media background.

3 5 minutes Watch a teacher demonstration to learn how to create a ‘frottage’ or ‘rubbing’ using a piece of graphite or wax crayon.

4 Take several sheets of cheap A5 paper
15 minutes Take several sheets of cheap A5 paper Produce a variety of mark making experiments similar to those created last lesson in the grid; however, this time you need a larger amount on each piece of paper. In addition, create at least 3 or 4 sheets of frottage examples.

5 Learn how to find examples of textures in newspapers.
5 minutes Learn how to find examples of textures in newspapers. Learn how to begin to construct an organised mixed-media background which will be used later in the project.

6 Begin to create your own mixed-media background using a variety of…
10 minutes Take a sheet of A4 white cartridge paper and put your name on the back. Begin to create your own mixed-media background using a variety of… a) frottages, b) media experiments, and c) newspaper cuttings Remember to cut them in squares or rectangles and organise them in a structured format.

7 Bring this to the next lesson!
PREP.WORK Take all your media experiments, frottages and newspaper cuttings home and complete your A4 background. Remember it must fill the entire sheet – no white paper showing through. Bring this to the next lesson!

8 You should now be able to answer the following questions…
2 minutes You should now be able to answer the following questions… What is a ‘frottage’? Where does the name ‘frottage’ originate from? How do you create a frottage successfully?

9 3 minutes Turn to the back of your sketchbook and thinking about the learning objectives from the start of the lesson, tick each statement that you feel confident you have learnt. Now at the right-hand side, write down one specific thing that you have learnt today that you didn’t know before. Learning Objectives You will: Learn what frottage is and how to create it. Learn to develop your mark making skills using various media. Learn to construct an organised background of textures that are created and found.

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