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My favorite film.

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1 My favorite film

2 Release date December 25, 2001

3 Genre Comedy Fantasy Romance

4 Duration and Budget 01:53:00 $ 48,000,000.0

5 Directed by James Mangold(born December 16, 1963)
American film director and screenwriter, is best known for his films

6 Actors Liev Schreiber (Kate's ex-boyfriend) Meg Ryan (Kate McKay)
Hugh Jackman(Leo)

7 Bradley Whitford (chef Kate)
Breckin Meyer (Kate's brother) Natasha Lyon(secretary Kate) Paxton Whitehead (uncle Millard) Spalding Gray Josh Stamberg

8 Producer Christopher Hood Kerry Orent Cathy Konrad

9 Description Through a tear in time Leo, Duke Albany falls in the future - or rather, in modern-day New York. Charming XIX century gentleman suddenly finds himself in a fast paced world where successful business woman is gaining height - Kate McKay.

10 The unthinkable happened, and they met
The unthinkable happened, and they met! Now Leo can not be left unattended for a minute! Anyway, as long as he can not go back ...

11 The film, which afforded us the tale of the great feelings that are subject to all the people - of any age, from any country and from any time

12 Kate McKay Business woman of the XXI century, trying to succeed in the corporate world. Leopold, the third Duke Oblansky - charming bachelor of century XIX. Each of them is anxious waiting love when an unexpected twist of fate brings Leo in modern- day New York. Gradually, they realize that even the difference in a hundred years is not a barrier to true love.

13 With contrast gentleman from the past and our modern man, so wonderful depicted change in people, and clearly showed the vector in which the change occurred. It is not surprising that the heroine Meg Ryan fell in love with the Duke Oblanskogo!

14 Award and nominations Nominated for "Golden Globe" in the category "Best Actor (Comedy / Musical)" (Hugh Jackman) Prize "Golden Globe" in the category "Best Song" for the song «Until», written and performed by Sting. nominated for "Oscar" award in the category "Best Song" for the song «Until»

15 Interesting Facts In the U.S.A, the film was released on Christmas Eve, December 25, 2001, hence the meaning Tagline «This Christmas, chivalry makes a comeback». The film premiered in Russia took place on 7 March 2002. Before filming Hugh Jackman, who played the role in the movie aristocrat Leopold, went to England and took lessons in good manners, dancing and riding. In one scene Leopold accidentally turns on the TV, which is broadcast on British science fiction series «The Prisoner». Kate and Leo - the names of two actors who played lovers in the film "Titanic" (Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet).

16 Our opinion The film, which is all great . There are no truly bad heroes , only people who have made a couple of dirty tricks , but admitted they were wrong . Nor does the absence of antiheroes any shortage , events saturated , lovely characters, and even the ex-boyfriend of the heroine - so positive that it is unclear how they ever broke up. The main thing , which filmed - this dignified character Leo, who seems to be forgotten and lost in our modern times , but Leo never confused , was not ironic or old-fashioned , it solves any problem and spectator teaches the same . "A man should radiate dignity and not build yourself a Fool ' - here's the thing that I took away from this film. Thanks to the authors

17 Thank you for your Attention!

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