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Solid phase peptide synthesis Applications of Boc/Bzl strategy

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1 Solid phase peptide synthesis Applications of Boc/Bzl strategy
Part I Applications of Boc/Bzl strategy Gábor Mező Research Group of Peptide Chemistry Hungarian Academy of Sciences Eötvös L. University Budapest, Hungary

2 Outline Why peptide synthesis is necessary
Solid phase peptide synthesis (idea, comparison with the synthesis in solution); Resins; Protecting groups; Synthetic protocol; Monitoring; Cleavage procedures; Side reactions;

3 immunostimulator peptides; muramyl dipeptide tuftsin derivatives
Immune peptides: synthetic antigens; vaccines diagnostic tools immunostimulator peptides; muramyl dipeptide tuftsin derivatives Hormones: oxytocin vasopressin insulin somatostatin GnRH etc. Neuropeptides: substance P cholecystokinin neurotensin Antibiotics: tachikinin gramicidine S Transporter peptides: penetratin oligoarginine HIV-Tat protein Applications of synthetic peptides Toxins: conotoxins spider toxins snake toxins ionchanel blockers Carriers: templates miniproteins Peptides for structural studies: turn mimicking cyclic peptides Enzymes and enzyme inhibitors: Ribonuclease A

4 Why chemists are needed?
Gene expression is very popular, relatively easy and cheap method: it is good for long linear peptides or proteins containing L-amino acids. However: no D-amino acids no unnatural amino acids no post translation (Hyp, Pyr, glyco- and phosphopeptides) no branches no cyclic peptides no fluorescent or isotop labeling Peptides as drugs: there are not too many, because of the price and their fast biodegradation. “Peptides have and will continue to be important sources of lead compounds in many drug discovery programs. However, due to their generally poor pharmacokinetic properties and hydrolytic instability, natural peptide structures are usually substituted with mimics of the actual peptide constuction.”

5 Peptidek mint gyógyszerek ?
A peptidekhez, fehérjékhez számos biológiai és élettani funkció kapcsolható. Ezért a '60-as évektől a jövő gyógyszereinek gondolták. Előnyök: nagy specifitás, magas aktivitás, viszonylag kis dózis, kicsi toxicitás, kevés mellékhatás. Hátrány: gyors lebomlás, magas költségek. 2000-ben a világ gyógyszeriparának kb. 265 milliárd USD bevételéből 28 milliárd USD a peptidek és fehérjék bevételéből származott. Évente új vegyület kerül gyógyszerként bevezetésre. Ezek között a peptidek száma egyre növekszik.

6 Peptidek a piacon piacon pre-regisztrációs fázis klinika-II
Rekombináns fehérjék: > ~ ~60 Monoklonális ellenanyagok: > > >45 Szintetikus peptidek: > > >60 piacon pre-regisztrációs fázis klinika-II klinika-III GnRH szuper-agonisták és antagonisták: tumor terápia Szomatosztatin analógok: tumor terápia ACE (angiotenzin konvertáló enzim) inhibitorok: vérnyomás szabályozás HIV proteáz inhibítorok: AIDS ellen Vazopresszin, Oxitocin, ACTH: hormonok Kalcitoninok: oszteoporózis ellen Immunstimuláló peptidek: szervezet védekező képességének növelése A. Loffet J. Peptide Science (2002) 8, 1-7.

7 PEPTIDE SYNTHESIS Coupling of amino acids:
NH2-CH(R)-COOH + NH2-CH(R’)-COOH - H2O NH2-CH(R)-CO-NH-CH(R’)-COOH; NH2-CH(R’)-CO-NH-CH(R)-COOH; NH2-CH(R)-CO-NH-CH(R)-COOH; NH2-CH(R’)-CO-NH-CH(R’)-COOH; + oligomers and polymers with different composition Protecting groups: amino-; carboxyl-; side chain protecting groups X-NH-CH(R)-COOH + NH2-CH(R’)-COOY X-NH-CH(R)-CO-NH-CH(R’)-COOY; Removal of the protecting groups together or selectively

8 Synthesis in solution Synthesis on resin (SPPS)
time consuming; manual; equiv amino acid derivatives and coupling reagent for acylation; side chain protecting groups for Lys, Asp, Glu, (Cys); coupling: less than 90% conversion; purification after each steps; large scale; cheap. fast; synthesizer (or manual); 3-10 equiv amino acid derivatives and coupling reagents for acylation; all functional groups coupling: over 99.5% conversion; purification at the end; rather small scale; expensive. Synthesis of ah-ACTH (1-39) in solution took months for several chemists; A 39-mer peptide by SPPS 2 days, 1 day cleavage, 1-2 days purification, 1 week altogether for 1 chemist.

Bruce Merrifield published in 1963 Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1984 The idea: T P AA1 R X anchoring deprotection AA2 coupling (-H2O)

10 R P AA2 AA1 T AAn deprotection repetitive cycle coupling cleavage +
final deprotection

11 STRATEGIES Boc/Bzl: 2,6-Cl2Bzl Bzl HF Boc TFA
N O Cl R 3 TFA HF Boc-Asp(OBzl)-Gly-Tyr(2,6-Cl2Bzl)-Merrifield resin Boc Bzl 2,6-Cl2Bzl

12 Fmoc/tBu: .. tert-butyl TFA Fmoc Wang-resin piperidine
H C 2 O 3 R Fmoc tert-butyl .. piperidine TFA Wang-resin Fmoc-Asp(OtBu)-Tyr(tBu)-Wang resin

13 RESINS + Can be functionalised;
Chemical stability (it must be inert to all applied chemicals); Mechanical stability (it shouldn’t brake under stirring); It must swell extensively in the solvents used for the synthesis; Peptide-resin bond should be stable during the synthesis; Peptide-resin bond can be cleaved effectively at the end of the synthesis; The basic of the most common used resins: polystyrene-1,4-divinylbenzene (1-2%) copolymer + polymerisation

14 p-hydroxymethyl-phenyl-
Type of resins for Boc-chemistry C H 2 Cl P Merrifield (chloromethyl) resin NH3 N Aminomethyl resin Starting resin for the synthesis of many other resins O PAM resin (phenyl-acetamidomethyl) p-hydroxymethyl-phenyl- acetic acid (handle) + DIC

15 Attachment of the first amino acid to Merrifield and PAM resins
2 Cl P Boc-Aaa-O-Cs+ DMF, 50oC, 48h O N Boc-Aaa- Boc-Aaa-OH DIC + 10%DMAP RT DCM-DMF (1:3) h Peptide-PAM resin bond is more TFA stable than Peptide-Merrifield resin bond. The final cleavage results in peptides with carboxyl (COOH) group at the C-terminus. Attachment of the first amino acid to Merrifield and PAM resins DIC + Boc-Aaa-O

16 Benzhydrylamine resin (BHA):
C H N 2 P Boc-Aaa-OH DCC/HOBt H(R) O Boc 4-Methyl-benzhydrylamine resin (MBHA): 3 too stable under acid cleavage conditions (only; HF!) C H N 2 P Boc-Aaa-OH DCC/HOBt C H N P H(R) O Boc The final cleavage results in peptides with carboxamide (CONH2) group at the C-terminus.

17 Coupling capacity of the resin
Preloaded resins are commercially available (coupling capacity, written on the box is expressed in mmol/g); BHA and MBHA resin (the NH2 content is given on the box) Attachment of the first amino acid is usually performed with 100% yield; the resin capacity will be the same; Coupling of p-hydroxymethyl-phenoxy acetic acid containing Boc- amino acid to aminomethyl-resin represents a similar situation; Attachment of Boc-amino acid derivative to Merrifield or PAM- resin (Kjeldahl N analysis, elemental analysis, amino acid analysis or titration by pycric acid after Boc-removal: colour test) Kjeldahl N analysis: cc. H2SO4 for 24 hrs add base NH3 destillation into water titration with 4mM H2SO4 calculation of % N to mmol/g Lys (2N), His (3N), Arg (4N) Amino acid analysis: 6M HCl in an evacuated and stopped tube (hydrolysis) heating at 110oC for 24 hrs evaporation, neutralisation amino acid analysis (quantitative)

18 Applied side chain protecting groups in Boc-chemistry
benzyl (Bzl) C H 2 -OH (Ser, Thr, Tyr) Side chain functional group protecting group name (abbreviation) HF intramolecular intermolecular N O OR R + OH R+ can be caught by scavangers However in case of Tyr: 20-100% side product! The side reaction can not be avoided by using scavangers. Mw:

19 without a-NH protection
Side chain functional group protecting group name (abbreviation) 2,6-dichlorobenzyl (2,6-di-Cl-Bzl) C H 2 -OH (Tyr) Cl O Br 2-bromobenzyl- oxycarbonyl (2-Br-Z) But < 2-Br-Z < cHex < 2,6-di-Cl-Bzl < Bzl 0,05% 0,1% 0,5% ,0% % Electrophilicity order of carbocations: (amount of 3-alkyltyrosine in the peptide) cyclohexyl (cHex) It is not commercially available O N acyl shift; do not keep the peptide without a-NH protection for long time !

20 not for longer peptides!
--C----C---C------C--- Acm S Side chain functional group protecting group name (abbreviation) 4-methylbenzyl (Meb) -SH (Cys) C H 2 3 O 4-methoxylbenzyl (Mob) Stability vs TFA is not good enough; not for longer peptides! NH acetamidomethyl (Acm) For selective deprotection Meb HF SH air oxidation I2 or Tl(tfa)3 Hg(II)- or Ag(I)-salt ! Eg.

21 Side chain functional group protecting group name (abbreviation)
3-nitro-2-pyridinesulphenyl (Npys) -SH (Cys) S N NO2 For the synthesis of asymmetrical disulfide dimers stable in the presence of acids cleavable by bases or thiols Not for Fmoc-chemistry! Eg. C R Npys HF C OH Bzl ---C-----NH2 SH + in acidic buffer (pH 5-6) at pH > 7 Neutral or basic condition is not appropriate for asymmetrical disulfide bond formation!

22 eNH2 (Lys) wCOOH (Asp, Glu) O C H Cl 2-chlorobenzyl- oxycarbonyl
(2-Cl-Z) Side chain functional group protecting group name (abbreviation) benzyloxycarbonyl (Z) eNH2 (Lys) Z is not stable enough in TFA; branches in the peptide ! wCOOH (Asp, Glu) benzyl(ester) (OBzl) cyclohexyl(ester) (OcHex) OBzl is not stable enough lead to ringclosure side reaction !

23 Succinimide ring formation (Asp):
-Asp-Gly- N H C O 2 Bzl -Asu-Gly- - BzlOH Asp-X; X = Gly, Arg, Ala, Ser, Asx ~30% ~70% a-Asp-peptide b-Asp-peptide +H2O Molecular weight is the same in both cases; HPLC separation of isomers in case of small peptides; enzymatic degradation amino acid analysis.

24 Pyroglutamic acid formation at the N-terminal of the peptide (Glu):
2 Bzl R -BzlOH Pyroglutamic acid formation at the N-terminal of the peptide (Glu): M= Mcalc-18 NH2 -NH3 M= Mcalc-17 Don’t prepare peptides containing Gln at the N-terminus They are not present in the nature! QXNAD: X= K(21%), Arg, His(18%), Ala(11%), Leu(8%), Tyr(7%), Asp(4%), Glu(2%) After 48h at pH 7, 37oC: His(51%), Arg(32%), Leu(19%), Tyr(22%), Asp(21%) Acidic pH, elevated temperature, X= D-Aaa; increase the Glp content

25 O Boc-N H C N 2 NH R Side chain functional group protecting group name (abbreviation) wCONH2 (Asn, Gln) xantyl (Xan) 33%TFA/DCM deBoc, deXan Why do we use Xan protecting group? not necessary, but; increase the solubility of Boc-Gln-OH and Boc-Asn-OH, eliminate the nitryl formation. H2 NH2 DCC Boc

26 Side chain functional group protecting group name (abbreviation)
NO 2 Protection of tN prevents the alkylation or acylation of imidazol ring, but not the epimerisation of His; Protection of pN prevents also the epimerisation. N H (His) p t imidazol group SO C 3 p-toluolsulfonyl or tosyl (Tos) (t) It is too sensitive in the presence of weak acids like HOBt, however, it is too stable in HF. dinitrophenyl (Dnp) (t) Special cleavage procedure: thiophenol:DIEA:DMF = 3:3:4 (V/V/V) several times; long reaction time (yellow colour) Boc-Aaa1-Aaa2(Bzl)-His(Dnp)-....-Resin Boc-Aaa1-Aaa2(Bzl)-His-....-Resin NH2-Aaa1-Aaa2(Bzl)-His-....-Resin NH2-Aaa1-Aaa2-His-....-OH HF TFA thiophenol

27 thiazolidine-4-charboxylic acid
Side chain functional group protecting group name (abbreviation) N H (His) p t imidazol group benzyloxymethyl (Bom) (p) O C H 2 Cleavage of Bom results in Bzl+ and CH2O; Formaldehyde can react with nucleophiles: H2C=O + eNH2-Q H2C=N-Q (Schiff base) H+ H2C=O + OH-R H2C-OH O-R H2C-O-R O-R Work up the peptide as soon as possible ! hemiacetale acetale However, Bom must not be used in case of peptides containing Cys at the N-terminus: HNH-CH-CO- - - CH2 SH H2C=O -H2O NH-CH-CO- - - S H2C M=Mcalc+12 thiazolidine-4-charboxylic acid (thioproline) Use Cys as scavanger under the cleavage condition to catch the formaldehyde !

28 Racemisation H R N C R’ O ActO C:- O:- DL and LL dipeptide derivatives
Acyl-L-Aaa-OAct B: -ActOH 5(4H)-oxazolone -H+ C:- O:- Pseudo aromatic system +H+ DL H-L-Aaa-OY DL and LL dipeptide derivatives Direct proton withdrawn or oxazolone formation; No racemisation in case of Gly and Pro (through oxazolone); No racemisation with uretane type proecting groups (Boc, Fmoc); His: proton transfer

29 Side chain functional group protecting group name (abbreviation)
-NH-C-NH2 NH C H 3 S O p-toluolsulfonyl or tosyl (Tos) 4-methoxy-2,3,6- trimethylbenzene- sulfonyl (Mtr) guanidino group Lability in acids: Mtr > Mts > Tos Cleavage: Tos only in HF (TFMSA or TMSOTf at RT; not recommended) Mts all of them Mtr TFA for extended time (it was used in Fmoc-chem.) In the synthesis of oligo-Arg (cellpenetrating peptide) use Mts or Mtr protection Application of sulfonyl type protecting groups: the protection of Trp is suggested (Arg) 2,3,6-trimethyl- benzenesulfonyl or mesitelenesulfonyl (Mts)

30 Side chain functional group protecting group name (abbreviation)
indole H-C O formyl (For) Special cleavage is necessary: 20% piperidine/DMF before HF cleavage or low-high HF cleavage procedure C cyclohexyloxy- carbonyl (Hoc) Side reaction under acidic condition: oxidation alkylation Oxidation of Trp results in oxyindolyl and kynureninyl derivatives; pink colour Alkylation by tert-butyl cation resulted under TFA cleavage of Boc-group N H * M1 = Mcalc M2 = Mcalc M3 = Mcalc In case of the application of Trp without any protection, add anisole and indole as scavangers to the TFA cleavage mixture (10mL TFA : 0.3mL anisole : 0.1g indole) ! (Trp)

31 Side chain functional group protecting group name (abbreviation)
-CH2-CH2-S-CH3 sulfide (Met) O sulfoxide (O) Side reaction under acidic conditions: oxidation alkylation Oxidation of Met results in its sulfoxide form. Alkylation by benzyl or tert-butyl cation: CH2 + -CH2-CH2-S-CH2 - CH3OH M = Mcalc in case of Bzl M = Mcalc in case of tBu In case of the application of Met without any protection, add anisole and Met as scavangers as well as DTT as reductive agent to the TFA cleavage mixture (10mL TFA : 0.3mL anisole : 0.1g Met : 0.1g DTT) ! Removal: N-methylmercaptoacetamide, low-high HF, NH4I, TMSOBr+thioanisole

32 Synthetic protocol of Boc-strategy
Wash the resin 3x with DCM; min each Cleavage of Boc protection with 33%TFA/DCM; 2+20min Wash the resin 5x with DCM; min each (Shrinking the resin with 25%dioxan/DCM) Neutralisation 3-4x with 5-10%DIEA/DCM; 1 min each Wash the resin 4x with DCM; min each Coupling: Boc-amino acid derivative-DCC-HOBt in DCM-DMF * (3 equiv each calculated to the resin capacity); 60 min Wash the resin 2x with DMF; min each Wash the resin 2x with DCM; min each Ninhydrin monitoring ** (-) yellow (+) blue * The ratio of DCM and DMF depends on the solubility of the amino acid derivatives; DCM-DMF = 4:1 or 2:1 (V/V) in most cases. However, in case of Arg, Gln, Asn DCM:DMF 1:4 or 1:2 (V/V) is prefered. **When coupling is carried out to Pro, the ninhydrin assay can’t be used. Application of isatin test or bromophenol blue test is necessary.

33 When might be double coupling necessary
Incorporation of the 10-15th amino acids; Attachment to Pro; Coupling of amino acids containing a branch on b-C atom (Val, Ile, Thr); Attachment to these amino acids; Coupling of Arg or attachment to Arg; Attachment to e-amino group of Lys (synthesis of branched peptides). Influence on the efficacy of the coupling: Solvent: change DCM-DMF to NMP (N-methyl-pyrolidone) Coupling reagent: change DCC/HOBt to BOP, HBTU or HATU Application of these expensive reagents is suggested for the third coupling. If the nynhidrine test is still blue make acetylation to block the unreacted amino groups (acetic anhydride and DIEA in DMF).

34 Ninhydrin monitoring OH H N + NH2-R 2 O In case of Pro: O-
Isatin test: 3% isatin + 5% Boc-Phe-OH dissolved in benzylalcohol + ninhydrin test solution Colour of resin is red to black Ninhydrin monitoring O H 2 + NH2-R OH N blue l(570nm) O- + In case of Pro: There is no difference between the colour of ninhydrine and the product yellow Test solutions: 40 g phenol in 10 mL abs. EtOH 65 mg KCN in 100 mL d.i. water (take 2 mL and dilute with 98 mL pyridine) 2.5 g ninhydrin in 50 mL abs. EtOH NH

35 Monitoring with bromophenol blue
3’,3”,5’,5”-tetrabromophenolsulfonphtalein: Br O H S NH2-R - HNH2-R + lmax = 429 nm lmax = 600 nm the change of the colour is because of salt formation (non covalent bond) highly sensitive the coupling can be followed (blue green yellow) application of amine-free DMF is necessary 1% BB solution in dimethylacetamide; 2-3 drops to the reaction mixture 25 mL 0.04M solution for analysis available for checking the coupling to Pro

36 In situ neutralisation
Apply this method when there is a danger of: diketopiperazine formation; Pro containing dipeptide pyroglutamic acid formation; Glu(Bzl), Gln on the N-terminus ”difficult” sequence, aggregation; a-helical or b-sheet structure C H 2 C O P O R1-CH NH CH-R2 NH2 HO + Pro-Pro Pro-Gly Gly-Pro D-Aaa-Pro Pro-D-Aaa cis-peptide bonds (Preactivation is necessary) CF3COO-+NH3-CHRCO Synthesis cycle: Deprotection with 100% TFA 2x1 min Wash with DMF 30 sec flow wash Coupling: Boc-Aaa-derivative:DIC:HOBt (4 equiv each) + 1.5 equiv DIEA (calculated to the resin capacity Diketopiperazine formation:

37 Boc cleavage flow chart
Does the peptide contain His(Dnp)? yes no Remove Dnp contain N-terminal Boc group? Remove Boc Is the peptide (protecting groups) compatible with HF, TMSOTf, TFMSA? HF contain Trp(For)? Deformylate Trp(For) or ”Low-high” HF cleavage HF cleavage TMSOTf TFMSA contain Trp(For) or Met(O)? TMSOTf cleavage ”Low-high” TFMSA cleavage Standard TFMSA cleavage

38 Why is it necessary to remove Boc-group before
cleavage with strong acids? tert-butyl cation is a very effective alkylating agent; long cleavage time, high cation concentration; the best scavanger to trap the tert-butyl cation is water; however water can’t be used with strong acids because of splitting of peptide bonds; there are some special side reactions, eg. in case of peptides containing Met at the C-terminal (homoserine lactone formation); C H 3 S N O R HF OH + M = Mcalc- 47.0

39 Problems with the cleavage procedures
HF : needs a special teflon instrument. However all the applied protecting groups can be cleaved. Cleavage time is min at 0oC, but in case of Arg(Tos), Cys(Meb), Asp(OcHex), Glu(OcHex) 90 min is recommended. Anisole, p-cresol and DTT as scavangers are used. TMSOTf : 1 M TMSOTf-thioanisole/TFA solution in the presence of m-cresol and EDT at 0oC for 120 min. Arg(Tos), Cys(Meb), Asp(OcHex), Glu(OcHex) and BHA resin are not cleavable under these conditions. TFMSA : 10% TFMSA- 10% thioanisole in TFA at RT for 1.5-2hrs. EDT and m-cresol are recommended as scavangers. are not compatible with this method. More side reactions than in case of TMSOTf. Desalting is necessary at the end.

40 Cresol is prefered in case of Glu:
H 3 Cresol is prefered in case of Glu: O M = Mcalc O N H N H O Don’t use indole as scavanger for Trp in strong acids N H R-CH2 M = Mcalc Indole dimerisation can occur also in case of peptides containing Trp at the N-terminus resulting in dimer peptide connected through indole rings. Asp-Pro bond might be cleaved under acidic condition Use dried materials and equipments !

41 2-mercaptopyridine (10 equiv.) was suggested to prevent Met(O)
formation or Met(O) reduction under HF cleavage. However it decreases the acidity of HF, so some protecting groups (eg. Tos) can’t be removed effectively. Add Met and DTT to eliminate Met(O) formation under HF cleavage. N-O acyl shift in case of Ser or Thr O N H R R=H (Ser), CH3 (Thr) H3 + This reaction can be reversed by either neutralizing with NH4OH or relyophilisation from 5% NH4HCO3

42 ”Pull-push” mechanism in the presence of thioanisole
SiMe3-O3S-CF3 SiMe3 C H 2 C H 2 O C H 2 R O C H 2 R + S C H + 3 S C H 3 CF3SO3- m-cresol H2O (NH4F) + HO-SiMe3 OH C H 2 R C H CF3SO3H 3 + C H 2 Thioanisole = reversible scavanger Cresol = irreversible scavanger HO S C H 3 Don’t use reversible scavanger alone !

43 ”Low-high” HF cleavage
Standard HF cleavage (SN1): 10 mL HF g scavanger (anisole, p-cresol) 0.1 g DTT or mL EDT or DMS as reducing agent 45-90 min depending on the protecting groups from -15oC to 0oC, depending on the sequence (side reactions) ”Low-high” HF cleavage (SN2+ SN1): First step (low);there is no carbocation 2.5 mL HF 0.75 g p-cresol g p-thiocresol 6.5 mL DMS 2-3 hrs 0oC evaporation of HF and DMS (it takes quite a long time) Second step (high): standard HF cleavage new HF and scavangers 45 min Low HF: Met(O) Met Trp(For) Trp 100% cleavable: Arg(Mtr), Arg(Mts), Asp(OBzl)Glu(OBzl), Lys(Z), Lys(ClZ), Ser(Bzl), Thr(Bzl), Tyr(BrZ), Tyr(Bzl), Merrifield resin Cys(Mob), Tyr(2,6-Cl2Bzl), PAM resin (<80-85%) His(Bom) (<60%) The other protecting groups can be cleaved just by high HF procedure. TFMSA (15%)-DMS(30%)-TFA(55%)

44 Synthesis of ”head to tail” type cyclic peptides
on resin Application of oxim resin: C NO2 P N HO Boc-Aaa(X)-OH +DCC/DCM p-nitrobenzophenone oxim resin Boc-Aaa-O The peptide-resin bond is stable in acids, but cleavable by amines. Compatible just with Boc chemistry. However in situ neutralisation is necessary. NH2-PEPTIDE-O c(PEPTIDE) Boc-PEPTIDE-O NH2-Aaa(X)-OY Boc-PEPTIDE-Aaa-OY Synthesis of cyclic peptides and protected peptide fragments

45 Synthesis of cyclopeptides
What is the reason of cyclopeptides synthesis? 1. Natural compounds: antibiotics, hormones, toxins, enzymes, immunoglobulines, depsipeptides, etc. gramicidine S (antibiotic): Val-Orn-Leu-D-Phe-Pro Pro-D-Phe-Leu-Orn-Val somatostatine (hormone): H-Ala-Gly-Cys-Lys-Asn-Phe-Phe-Trp-Lys-Thr-Phe-Thr-Ser-Cys-OH a-conotoxin GI (toxin): H-Glu-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Gly-Arg-His-Tyr-Ser-Cys-NH2

46 phalloidine (toxin in mushrooms):
NH CO CR2 CR1 O CR3 CR4 2. Increasing or change the biological activity of the cyclic peptides: eg. Somatostatine derivative with high antitumour activity; H-D-Phe-Cys-Tyr-D-Trp-Lys-Cys-Thr-NH2

47 3. Structure stabilization:
eg. for improvement of the hormone-receptor interaction (increased selectivity); Leu-enkephaline: H-Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu-OH Cyclic derivative: H-Tyr-Dab-Pro-Phe-Leu Dab = a,g-diaminobutiric acid; gNH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-COOH aNH2 4. Increased enzyme stability: GnRH-III (antitumour activity): Pyr-His-Trp-Ser-His-Asp-Trp-Lys-Pro-Gly-NH2 Pyr = pyroglutamic acid Selective for m-receptor

48 5. Study of the structural elements:
c(b-Ala-Ala-b-Ala-Pro) has g-turn conformation 6. Templates: for eg. synthesis of miniproteins G K C P S The template contains amide bonds in the cycle and it is fixed by disulfide cross-linkage. Selective protection of Lys residues allows attachment of 4 different peptide chains. Arrangement of cyclic peptides homodetic heterodetic only amide bonds in the cycle disulfide bridge, thioether bond lacton, ether, oxime thiazolidine bond

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