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Hot Desert Animal Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "Hot Desert Animal Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hot Desert Animal Vocabulary

2 Animals sorted by what they eat!
Carnivores—eat flesh Herbivores—feed chiefly on plants

3 Animals sorted by when they are active!
Nocturnal— active at night Diurnal— active during the day

4 Animals sorted by body structure!
Vertebrate— have a backbone Invertebrate— have no backbone

5 -are warm-blooded -have hair or fur -females secrete milk
Mammals -are warm-blooded -have hair or fur -females secrete milk

6 —are cold-blooded —usually are air-breathing —are vertebrates
Reptiles —are cold-blooded —usually are air-breathing —are vertebrates

7 Birds —are warm-blooded —are vertebrates —have feathers, wings, scaly legs, a beak and no teeth

8 —are cold-blooded —are vertebrates —return to water to reproduce
Amphibians —are cold-blooded —are vertebrates —return to water to reproduce

9 Insects —are usually small —are air-breathing —body is divided into three parts: head, thorax and abdomen

10 —are air-breathing —have eight legs with jointed feet
Arachnids —are air-breathing —have eight legs with jointed feet

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