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Teach Us to Pray Scripture (Parallel Passages) What Happened Before

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1 Teach Us to Pray Scripture (Parallel Passages) What Happened Before
Details of Passage What Happened After Luke 3:21 Matt. 3:13-17 Mark 1:9-11  Jesus came from Nazareth to be baptized.  He goes into the wilderness to be tempted. Mark 1:35-39 Matt. 4:23-24 Luke 4:42-44  Healing in Galilee.  He is driving out demons and preaching. Luke 5:16 none  He healed the leper so many people came to see him. Then he withdrew to the mountain to pray.  Jesus heals a paralytic. Luke 6:12 Mark 3:13-19  He healed a man with a shriveled hand.  Jesus chooses the 12 disciples. Matthew 14:23 Mark 6:46 John 6:14-15  Feeds the 5,000 men plus women and children.  Jesus walks to the disciples on the water. Luke 9:18 Matt. 16:13-20 Mark 8:27-30  He heals the blind man.  Peter confesses that Jesus is the Messiah fro God.  Luke 9:28,29 Matt. 17:1-8  Peter confesses that Jesus is the Messiah from God.  Jesus is transfigured. Moses and Elijah come to talk with Jesus.  Luke 11:1  Jesus was at Matthew’s house.  Beelzebub accusation. Luke 18:1  Ten Lepers are healed.  Parable of the Pharisees and tax collector.  Matt. 26:36-46; Mark 14:32-42; Luke22:40-46

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