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Manufacturing Process and Principle of Radioimmunoassay Kit

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Presentation on theme: "Manufacturing Process and Principle of Radioimmunoassay Kit"— Presentation transcript:

1 Manufacturing Process and Principle of Radioimmunoassay Kit
ShinJin Medics S.A. Diagnostic Development Lab

2 Content Ⅰ. Design Process Ⅱ. Manufacturing Process
Ⅲ. Quality Control Process

3 I. Design Process

4 Basic concept of Radioimmunoassay
Tracer Capture

5 Development of Raw materials
                                                              Monoclonal Antibody development Polyclonal Antibody development


7 Development of Radioimmunoassay
                                                         Matching Test Performance Test Stability Test Evaluation Step Tracer iodination Capure coating Matching Test Basic clinical Test Sensitivity Test Specificity Test Precision Test Recovery Test Linearity Test Hook effect Test Tracer stability Test Tube stability Test Standard stability Test External Evaluation Internal

8 II. Manufacturing Process

9 Immunotube Manufacturing Methods
1. Coating 2. Blocking 3. Fixing

10 Coating Instrument

11 Blocking / Fixing Instrument

12 Iodination Methods Iodination of antibodies and antigens is a straighforward and effective method of labeling I125 is normally used for most immunochemical analyses The decay of I125 yields low-energy gamma and X-ray radiation , easy to detect. The 60-day half-life of I125 is convenient compromise between effective shelf life and waste disposal.

13 Iodination Methods

14 Bolton-Hunter reagent
3-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid N-hydroxysuccinimide ester  React with I125 React with protein, peptide

15 Target material of Iodination
Protein Small molecule 1. Steroid 2. Thyroid

16 Process of Protein Iodination
1. Iodine 125 Tagging I125 + = I125

17 Purification of Protein-I125

18 Steroids Iodination Structure of Steroids Kinds of Steroids
1. Estradiol (E2) 2. Estriol (E3) 3. Progesterone 4. Testosterone 5. Cortisol

19 Process of Steroids Iodination
Materials 1. Steroid 2. Histamine 3. I125

20 Method 1. Steroid activation 2. Histamine activation
3. Conjugation of Steroid and Histamine-I125 4. Purification of Steroid and Histamine-I125 by TLC (Thin layer Chromatography) method

21 III. Quality Control Process

22 QC Process Raw Materials QC Tube QC Tracer QC Semi-Assembled QC
Coating Raw Materials QC Tracer Raw Standard Raw Materials QC Coating Buffer Blocking Buffer Fixing Buffer QC QC of coated Tube (sensitivity, specifity) QC of Iodinated Tracer (sensitivity, specifity) Before Assembled, All components tested (Tube and Tracer and Standard etc) After Assembled, kits tested

23 LLHL Effect (Low Lower, High Lower)
Tube QC Background LLHL Effect (Low Lower, High Lower) Con. Cpm Con. Cpm After Damage

24 LHHL Effect (Low Higher, High Lower)
Tracer QC Background LHHL Effect (Low Higher, High Lower) Con. Cpm Con. Cpm After Damage Hinge point

25 Example of damaged Tracer
Hinge point

26 Conclusion Capture and tracer selected and developed through monoclonal Ab and polyclonal Ab The immunotube is manufactured through coating, blocking, fixing phase. Tracer is manufactured through I125 coupling by oxidation method.

27 Thank You !

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