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Mark Sikora, Dan Watts, Derek Glazier

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Presentation on theme: "Mark Sikora, Dan Watts, Derek Glazier"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mark Sikora, Dan Watts, Derek Glazier
Recoil Polarimetry Mark Sikora, Dan Watts, Derek Glazier Outline: Motivation Technique Experimental setup Previous data Initial data from current run Future work

2 Motivation Nucleon substructure – accessed by measuring resonance spectrum Constituent quark models, lattice QCD, holographic dual QCD predict different resonances, more constraints needed Meson photoproduction off the nucleon is essential Recoil polarization is necessary for a complete measurement

3 Motivation 16 polarization observables: dσ/dΩ, 3 single pol. observables, 12 double pol. observables

4 Technique

5 Experimental Setup p γ2 γ1 2.5 cm thick graphite cylinder
Reconstruct π0 from γ’s γ1

6 Event Selection Look for events with 3 hits
Missing mass cut for pion and proton Look for coincidence between PID hits and reconstructed proton φ angle

7 Results from test beamtimes (2x3 day runs)
D(1232) resonance D(1232) resonance second resonance region seco resonance region γ+p→p+π0

8 Initial proton asymmetry

9 Comparison to MAID Cx Ebeam

10 Current beam time (VERY preliminary)

11 Initial proton asymmetry

12 Work to be done Model analyzing power
Kinematic fitting of vertex position? η channel Neutron polarimetry

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