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Scratch 7B IT1.

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Presentation on theme: "Scratch 7B IT1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scratch 7B IT1

2 Learning Outcomes LO1: Be familiar with the user interface in scratch and be able to use it for different outcomes. LO2: Be able to explain the different between a script a sprite, a costume and the stage. LO3: Create the maze (stage), a character (sprite) with a set start location and a costume for the development of your maze game.

3 Starter Do you remember all the features of the scratch user interface from last week? Pupils write on the sheet what they think each part of scratch does. Teacher go through sheet hovering over each of the indicated sections in scratch

4 Creating and Setting a Theme
We need a maze background for our maze game

5 Sprites & Costumes SPRITE COSTUME
A Sprite is what we call a character. Our character can have different costumes SPRITE COSTUME

6 Activity Create a character that can look different if it wins. Step 1: create a new sprite Step 2: create another costume for it.


8 The first script you will create:

9 Plenary

10 Make your sprite move: Iteration
In programming there is something called Iteration. This is when something is repeated over and over again a given number of times of until a specific result is achieved.


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