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Welcome to Year 4! Class 4S. Welcome to Year 4! Class 4S.

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2 Welcome to Year 4! Class 4S

3 Teachers Teaching Assistants Miss Barratt 4B Mrs Soulsby 4S
Mr Smith - Major Oak’ Sports Leader Mrs Walton - Music Mrs Barnes - French Teaching Assistants Mrs Allsopp Mrs Cooke Mrs Farrow

4 Timetable

5 Breaks Morning break – 11:00 Lunchtime

6 Maths Class maths - Challenge through deepening of understanding and application. Fluency – daily fluency based activities. Weekly times tables tests (Wednesday) 3s-12s. They must be able to do all in 2mins and can then move on. They move on to a mixed grid as a challenge. Printable Matheletics extra homework is available at the end of each unit.

7 English Daily English writing lessons. Focus on purposeful writing/cross curricular. Grammar knowledge is embedded. Weekly Whole Class Reading Lessons to develop reading skills. Guided reading to take place with those children who need it. Reading for Pleasure- Class Books, promoting reading at home.

8 Spelling Year 3/4 statuary spelling are learnt in school.
Spelling lessons take place weekly and we follow a spaced retrieval model to help the children to remember the rules. Spellings are sent home on a weekly basis and are based on the statutory spelling rules (they have done these in Y3) This will take place on a Wednesday.

9 Homework Numeracy ‘Mathletics’- Set on Thursday and expected to be done by following Thursday. TTrockstars – Login given out next week – excellent to support fluency Creative Literacy Project homework – Fortnightly. Due on a Friday. Accommodates all learning styles, enjoyment and creativity. Independent - 30 mins per week max. Reading - Read regularly at home and record in planner (x3 a week with an adult). Whole class reading sessions during school time. We will be checking planners on a Friday.

10 Rewards/Sanctions House points Superstars Treat Square Verbal warning
Name on board – lose 5 minutes play Continuous- sent out the classroom to a member of SLT.

11 Trips Residential- 2 nights away!
Hathersage- Fieldwork, map work & science. Class 4B 25th to 27th March. Class 4S 27th to 29th March. There will be a parents information evening later on in the year.

12 How can you help? Ensure homework is completed and handed in on time.
Check your child read at least 3 times a week. Look at the additional resources on the website. Offer any assistance helping on school trips or volunteering within the classroom. Water bottles! They are sent home every Friday. Healthy Snacks .

13 Contact with Class Teachers
There are many ways to get in touch with us here at Jesse Gray. Teachers are frequently available on the playground before and after school and are happy to chat. Alternatively please contact the office or staff member via to arrange an appointment. Please be aware that staff s will be replied to during the working day; please do not be offended if you do not receive a reply over the weekend or in the evening. Please also be aware that drop in sessions are available with Dawn Read to discuss any concerns or questions about your child. These are Monday – Thursday, 8.30 – address:

14 Twitter in Class 4S This year we will be introducing class Twitter pages to keep you up to date with our class activities. Please follow our class Twitter and enjoy find out about… Class announcements Student work Learning objective News from field trips. Project reminders. Religious celebrations Articles to read.  Quotable kids of funny or timely comments. Being a public audience for the children Please be reassured that all Tweets will be inline with the school Twitter policy and GDPR requirements.

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