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Presentation on theme: "Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome

2 What will you learn today
What will you learn today? (something you did not know yesterday) By the end of this session I will be able to… Present information graphically using the appropriate chart of graph.

3 Handling data

4 Why do we use charts & graphs?
Graphs represent information- they are visual images which are quick and easy to read. It is easier to see what is happening with information in a graph than in a table or spreadsheet. It is also easier to see patterns in data in a graph.

5 Skills Demonstration – The Perfect Bar Chart
Continuous Scale starts at zero 3 Titles Gaps between the bars

6 Pie Charts A pie chart is a circle made out of sectors.
Each sector represents a proportion of the data. Pie charts are usually presented in percentages. The key next to it usually uses a colour code to show what the data represents.

7 Skills Demonstration – The Perfect Pie Chart
Title Key or legend

8 Skills Demonstration – how to draw a Pie chart
Walk Bike Car Bus 9 4 17 6 A group of colleagues were asked how they travel to work. Draw a chart to show the results of this survey

9 Diagnostic Questions About how many pounds will I get for €70? About how many euros will I get for £25?

10 Presenting Your Extracted Data (from last week)
Present your meal nutrients in a correctly constructed bar chart. You will be awarded 4 marks. Extension task: Present the k/cals for the items you selected in a Pie chart (some completed their meal last week.

11 Fast Food Investigation
Use the data on the menu to answer the questions, complete the tables and create a bar chart to present your findings.

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