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McCarthyism and Red Scare

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1 McCarthyism and Red Scare

2 Truman roots out Communists at Home
Cold war brings up fears of Communists trying to destroy America 2nd Red Scare- fear of spread of Communism Fear of Communists in high government positions 1947- Federal Employee Loyalty Program - FBI can screen for disloyalty 1940 Smith Act- illegal to teach violent overthrow of government

3 Congress Hunts Communists
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) Hearings on communist activities gov’t , armed forces, unions, education, science, newspapers, etc Most famous was movie industry Hollywood Ten- left-wing directors and producers; refused to testify citing 5th amendment Sent to prison for contempt of Congress Blacklist circulated

4 Freedom of Speech Hurt Freedom of Speech not guaranteed
Attorney General’s List- list of suspected organizations People lost jobs for being associated with list Blacklists took place at every level of society Even Oppenheimer denied classified information

5 Spy Cases Alger Hiss - worked on several New Deal agencies
Accused by Whittaker Chambers - espionage agent Chambers testified before HUAC Hiss had given confidential info to Chambers Hiss found guilty of perjury

6 Spy Cases Julius and Ethel Rosenberg - charged with passing nuclear secrets to Soviets Case mainly based on testimony of one confessed spy Rosenberg’s arrested, tried, and executed via electric chair- 1953 1990s- more info came out that Rosenbergs were actually guilty

7 Joseph McCarthy Blamed US setbacks on traitors in US
Said State Dept. full of Communists Gained power by accusations many people of being Communist Communist Witch Hunts McCarthy most powerful member of Congress

8 McCarthy’s Fall 1954- McCarthy went after US Army
Army felt attacks were personal Senate held televised hearings McCarthy’s court conduct turned people against him Censure by Senate - formally condemned

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