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By Abbie Kisamore and McKenzie Clauss

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1 By Abbie Kisamore and McKenzie Clauss
Animal Adaptations By Abbie Kisamore and McKenzie Clauss

2 Zebra and Wild Horse Adaptations By McKenzie Clauss
Part 1 of animal adaptations What’s going on?

3 Adaptations Like other wild horses, zebras depend on their long legs to carry them to safety when predators approach. When a zebra sees a predator approaching, it runs away in a zigzag motion. During the winter, the hair of the Mongolian wild horse grows thicker and thicker. This helps them stay warm during the winter.

4 Bones and Eyes The bones of a horse are both lightweight and strong. At times, when a horse is running, a single leg may support the entire weight of the body, perhaps as much as 1,000 pounds. Horses have the largest eyes of any land mammals, and they have a wide field of vision. A horse can see what’s behind it and in front of it at the same time!

5 She has an awesome smile!
Teeth When grazing, horses use their sharp front teeth like scissors to clip off the grass. Usually they eat only the tips of grass. The sharp front teeth are called incisors. The strong back teeth, or molars, are used to crush and grind coarse grass. When chewing, the lower jaw moves against the upper jaw in a sideways motion. A horse’s back teeth keep growing until the animal reaches old age, so they almost never wear out.

6 Teeth And Hooves A wild horse’s teeth help it because when they eat, their teeth grow longer so they don’t get too dull. The hooves of wild horses are harder and tougher than the hooves of domestic horses. Wild horses are able to run over rocky ground that would easily split the hooves of a domestic horse.

7 Hearing and Strength Zebras have excellent hearing to listen for predators. They can twist their flexible ears in almost any direction to pick up sounds all around them. When a zebra is attacked, it fights for its life, kicking hard with its hind legs and biting with its teeth.

8 FUN FACTS!!!! A zeal is a group of zebras.
A zebras skin is black, only its fur is white. Zoo keepers are bitten more often by zebras then by tigers. More than 250 different types of horses have lived on earth since the first horse appeared more than 50 million years ago.

9 References Amazing Horse Facts And Trivia, by Gary Mullen 2008.
Horse, by Juliet Clutton- Brock Clutton 1992. Horse History, Behavior, Breeds, Riding, And Jumping, by Jackie Budd 1995. Zoo Books, Wild Horses, June 2011. Zoo Books, Zebras, August 2008. She knows how to read!!!

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