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Debate on the Existence of God
Lesson 43 Debate on the Existence of God
Two sides of the Debate- Self-identified
Theists Atheists
Undecided/Unsure will be the judges
Levels of Performance Criteria 1 2 3 4 1. Organization and Clarity: viewpoints and responses are outlined both clearly and orderly. Unclear in most parts Clear in some parts but not over all Mostly clear and orderly in all parts Completely clear and orderly presentation 2. Use of Arguments: reasons are given to support viewpoint. Few or no relevant reasons given Some relevant reasons given Many reasons given: fairly relevant Most relevant reasons given in support 3. Use of Examples and Facts: examples and facts are given to support reasons, with references Few or no relevant supporting examples/facts Some relevant examples/facts given Many examples/facts given: fairly relevant Most relevant supporting examples and facts given 4. Use of Rebuttal: arguments made by the other teams are responded to and dealt with effectively. No effective counter-arguments made Few effective counter-arguments made Some effective counter-arguments made Many effective counter-arguments made 5. Presentation Style: tone of voice, use of gestures, and level of enthusiasm are convincing to audience. Few style features were used; not convincingly Few style features were used but they were used convincingly All style features were used, most convincingly All style features were used convincingly
Format of the Debate 5 MINUTES: Affirmative team (God Exists) presents arguments in support of their position 5 MINUTES: Opposing team (God does not exist) presents arguments opposing the resolution 5 MINUTES: Affirmative team presents further arguments in support of the resolution, identifies areas of conflict, and answers questions that may have been raised by the opposition speaker. 5 MINUTES: Opposing team presents further arguments against the resolution, identifies further areas of conflict, and answers questions that may have been raised by the previous affirmative speaker. 5 MINUTES: Short recess for teams to prepare their rebuttals. Teams will assist speakers in this endeavor. 5 MINUTES: Opposing team begins with the rebuttal, attempting to defend the opposing arguments and to defeat the supporting arguments without adding any new information. 5 MINUTES: First rebuttal of the affirmative team 5 MINUTES: Each team gets a second rebuttal for closing statements with the affirmative team having the last opportunity to speak. There cannot be any interruptions. Speakers must wait their turns. Rules of decorum will be maintained by the moderator, who will remain neutral throughout the debate.
Five areas we all will investigate
Argument from Design Cosmological Argument Ontological Argument Problem of Evil Faith and Reason- How they relate?
Argument from Design Also known as the, “Paley’s Watchmaker” analogy
Argues for the existence of God or, more generally, for an intelligent creator, based on perceived evidence of deliberate design in the natural world. Essentially, it’s the notion that the world of today couldn’t happen by random happenstance.
Cosmological Argument
Can be traced to Aquinas. He wrote Summa Theologica from and put fourth this argument. The Cosmological Argument or First Cause Argument is a philosophical argument for the existence of God which explains that everything has a cause, that there must have been a first cause, and that this first cause was itself uncaused.
Ontological Argument Founded by Saint Anselm in the 11th Century
It is a conceptual truth that God is a being than which none greater can be imagined. God exists as an idea in the mind. A being that exists as an idea in the mind and in reality is, other things being equal, greater than a being that exists only as an idea in the mind. Thus, if God exists only as an idea in the mind, then we can imagine something that is greater than God (that is, a greatest possible being that does exist). But we cannot imagine something that is greater than God (for it is a contradiction to suppose that we can imagine a being greater than the greatest possible being that can be imagined.) Therefore, God exists.
Problem of Evil It is the philosophical question to why evil persists in the world, if in fact God is all powerful and knowing.
Faith and Reason- Can it be reconciled, or not?
People to research in your preparation
Theists Atheists Dr. William Lane Craig Ravi Zacharias Dr. John Lennox Lee Strobel Dr. Frank Turek Christopher Hitchens Dr. Richard Dawkins Dr. Sam Harris Dr. Daniel Dennett Bertrand Russell
Ground Rules We will be respectful of different viewpoints. We will follow the decorum of the debate. The entire class will be able to express their thoughts after it is over. The moderator will be neutral throughout the process and help both sides equally during the preparation portion.
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