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UN STATISTICS DIVISION Economic Statistics Branch

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1 Results of the AEG e-discussion on SNA/ISIC aggregations for SNA data reporting
UN STATISTICS DIVISION Economic Statistics Branch National Accounts Section

2 SNA/ISIC aggregations for SNA data reporting
Introduction The new ISIC revision 4 provides a top-level of 21 sections and a second level of 88 divisions. The AEG in December 2004 requested an ISIC aggregation above the top-level of about 10 categories for SNA data reporting by activity. A number of OECD countries have expressed support for an intermediate aggregation of categories that would be suitable for data reporting from a wide range of countries.

3 SNA/ISIC aggregations for SNA data reporting cont
Comments Some participants prefer separate categories for mining, manufacturing and public admin- istration and defense in the top 10. Too much detail are shown for some services in the A*38. Industry 24 might be better labeled 'IT and information services activities' .

4 SNA/ISIC aggregations for SNA data reporting cont
Results Total Yes No No opinion 1. Can the proposed top-top aggregation be accepted for SNA data reporting? 2. Can the proposed aggregation (A*38) be accepted for SNA reporting?

5 SNA/ISIC aggregations for SNA data reporting cont
Conclusion The consultation shows that the AEG members participating overwhelmingly support the proposed top 10 and A*38 aggregations for SNA data reporting.

6 Thank You

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