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Algorithms CSCI 235, Spring 2019 Lecture 27 Dynamic Programming II

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1 Algorithms CSCI 235, Spring 2019 Lecture 27 Dynamic Programming II

2 The problem Problem: Find the best way to multiply n matrices (where best means the one that uses the minimum number of scalar multiplications). Practical use: Computer Graphics (Long chains of matrices). Digital Signal processing: applying filters to signals, etc. Formally: Given <A1, A2, A3, ...An> are n matrices, fully parenthesize the product A1A2A3...An in a way to minimize the number of scalar multiplications. Exhaustive Search takes prohibitively long:

3 Number of Scalar Multiplications
Multiplying 2 matrices, A1, A2, where A1 is pxq and A2 is qxr takes pqr scalar multiplications. Example: 2x3 3x1 Number of multiplications = 2x3x1 = 6

4 1. Characterize structure of optimal solution
Notation: Ai .. j = AiAi+1Ai Aj An optimal solution of A1 ..n = (A1A2 ...Ak)(Ak+1Ak+2 ...An), 1<=k<n Cost = cost of computing A1 .. k + cost of computing Ak+1 .. n + cost to multiply the 2 results together. For the solution to be optimal, we must first find the optimal solutions to the subproblems: A1 .. k and Ak+1 .. n (Why must they be optimal solutions?)

5 Example A1A2A3A4 A1(A2A3A4) (A1A2)(A3A4) (A1A2A3)A4 k=3 k=1 k=2
Note: As we compute the optimal solutions for subproblems, we do the same computation repeatedly (e.g. A2A3). To avoid repeat computations, we will store the values as each one is computed.

6 2. Recursively define the value of the optimal solution
For subproblem, Ai .. j, 1 <= i <= j <=n Compute m[i, j] = minimum number of scalar multiplications to compute Ai .. j Matrix Ai has dimension pi-1 x pi (rows x cols) Example: More notation: pi is number of columns in the ith matrix. A A2 A3 3x3 3x1 1x4 p0 p1 p1 p2 p2 p3

7 Number of multiplications
If A1 is p0 x p1, A2 is p1 x p2, then A1A2 is p0 x p2 If A3 is p2xp3 then A1A2A3 is p0 x p3 (A1A2 ... Ak) is p0 x pk M1=(AiAi Ak) is pi-1 x pk M2=(Ak Aj) is pk x pj Therefore, the number of scalar multiplications to multiply M1M2 is pi-1pkpj

8 Defining m[i, j] recursively
If i = j, no multiplication needed, so m[i, j] = 0 If i < j, m[i, j] = m[i, k] + m[k+1, j] + pi-1pkpj Example: m[2, 6], let k = 4: (A2A3A4)(A5A6) We will work this out in class.

9 Determining the Best split
We must check each value of k to determine which gives the minimum cost: Minimum cost of Ai .. j is: Keep track of minimum cost in table, m[i, j] Keep track of k value that gives the minimum cost in table, s[i, j] = k

10 3. Compute the value of the optimal solution
Step 3. Compute the value of the optimal solution from the bottom up. We start with the smallest subproblems: i = j m[i, i] = 0 Next compute cost of chains of length 2: m[i, i+1] Third, compute cost of chains of length 3 (using values for length 2): m[i, i+2] Total number of subproblems to solve: 1 for each i & j, 1 <=i <=j <=n Combination:

11 Matrix Chain Order Code
Matrix-Chain-Order(p) // p is an array containing pi-1 to pj n = p.length – // Number of matrices in chain Let m[1..n, 1..n] and s[1..n – 1, 2..n] be new tables for i = 1 to n m[i, i] = 0 // Single matrices take 0 multiplications for b = 2 to n // b is length of chain for i = 1 to n – b // all possible starting indices for length b j = i + b // Ending index of chain of length b m[i, j] = ∞ // Large value to start to find minimum for k = i to j - 1 // Try all possible splits of this chain q = m[i, k] + m[k + 1, j] + pi-1pkpj // smaller chains are // already computed if q < m[i, j] // If minimum value, then store it m[i, j] = q s[i, j] = k return m and s

12 Example Find the best parenthesization for multiplying the following chain: A1A2A3A4, where A1 is 3x3, A2 is 3x2, A3 is 2x2 and A4 is 2x4. p = <3, 3, 2, 2, 4> j j m[i, j] s[i, j] 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 i i

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