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Consolidated Grant Planning and Fund Use

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1 Consolidated Grant Planning and Fund Use
Federal Grant Programs Conference June 6, 2019

2 Agenda Overview: purpose/advantages of consolidation (5 mins.)
Activity and resources – setting the task (5 mins.) Group work – planning and fund use (20 mins.) Develop strategies and related grant activities to address identified needs Take advantage of consolidated grant making process Reflect on advantages and challenges Report out – what we’ve learned (15 mins.)

3 Purpose and Advantages of Consolidation
Ability to see variety of fund use and their impact on district strategies Work together on district wide strategies

4 Given the needs/goals of the district, develop strategies to meet them
The Task Given the needs/goals of the district, develop strategies to meet them Utilize coordinated planning techniques and consolidated grant making process Decide on ESSA grant fund use options to best meet needs Report out on decisions made and process

5 “Look For’s” in Coordinated Planning and Use
Use of multiple programs for single purpose e.g., Titles I and IIA support targeted interventions Alignment of purpose across activities/investments e.g., Varied activities develop social-emotional learning/supports Direct connection between fund use and strategy e.g., Focus on increasing grad rate clear in each investment Common means to measure impact/progress e.g., Focused intervention and PD evaluated against common assessment Flexing of fund use wherever beneficial e.g., Get more instruction where needed by flexing Title IVA to Title I Coordination with resources beyond ESSA funding

6 Quick Reference Guides (QRG’s) Each other
Tools for your task Planning grid “Look for’s” Quick Reference Guides (QRG’s) Each other

7 Summary of activities and fund use to meet goal(s)
Report Out – by table Summary of activities and fund use to meet goal(s) Benefits of coordination/consolidation Challenges encountered Strategies to employ going forward

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