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Leadership: One of Our “Must Have” Managerial Skills

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership: One of Our “Must Have” Managerial Skills"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership: One of Our “Must Have” Managerial Skills
Teamwork Self-Management Leadership Critical Thinking Professionalism Communication Roles = INTERPERSONAL, INFORMATIONAL, DECISIONAL

2 Useful Leadership Characteristics
Drive Leadership Motivation Integrity Self Confidence Knowledge of the Business

3 Leader Behaviors Task performance behaviors
Actions taken to ensure that the work group or organization reaches its goals.

4 Across Cultures – Examples from Text
European Managers tend to be more humanistic than both Japanese & US Managers Euro managers tend to work to may layoffs less painful US organizations very profit-motivated – shorter term emphasis Japan’s collectivist culture considers groups, considers long-term implications

5 Sources of Power – Influence of Others
Legitimate Power – authority of position Reward Power – give/withhold resources Coercive Power – can punish others Expert – knowledge, skills, expertise Referent power: less formal – has to do with the subject’s awesomeness and capabilities - text example: secretary

6 Leadership The ability to influence people toward the attainment of organizational goals. Leadership is a “people” activity, distinct from administrative paper shuffling or problem-solving activities. Leadership is dynamic and involves the use of power. 6/4/2019

7 Leadership versus Management: The Lines are Blurring

8 Leading and Managing Supervisory leadership Strategic leadership
Behavior that provides guidance, support, and corrective feedback for day-to-day activities. Strategic leadership Behavior that gives purpose and meaning to organizations, envisioning and creating a positive future.

9 What Leader in Your World, Past or Present, Has the Most Positive Influence in Your Daily Life?
Take a few moments to think about this question. Once you have someone in mind, please list his or her initials. 2. Now, please list three words that best describe what this person contributes to your life. a. ________________________ b. ________________________ c. ________________________

10 Learning Points What you just did was “put words” to what remarkable leaders inspire in followers. Furthermore, someone taught you the significance of those feelings through their leadership – their place in your life.

11 Learning from the Exercise
You described what was important to you as a follower. “Leader-member relations” refers to the quality of relationship between leader and follower (or member). Leader Triad

12 Picture of Leadership – Situations Often Make the Leader

13 Fiedler’s Contingency Model
Fiedler’s contingency model of leadership effectiveness Effective leadership depends on both the characteristics of the leader and the situation Churchill: How a Flawed Man Became a Great Leader (article) Churchill – Listen Carefully!

14 Peter Koestenbaum & Leadership
Leadership: The Inner Side of Greatness Four Strategies for Greatness Vision: Thinking Big and New Reality: Having No Illusions Ethics: Providing Service Courage: Acting with Sustained Initiative


16 Koestenbaum on Developing Greatness
The Search for Greatness Confronting Challenges Developing the Mind Real World: Leadership Strategies in Action Building Individual Skills Expanding Organizational Skills

17 Classmate Leadership Examples – V,R,E, C
Emergency at work Functioning after serious loss Surviving severe, life-threatening injuries Overcoming being let down somehow by others Living in an entirely new culture; facing risk and fear and winning the battle Taking care of others who need you (taking charge of well being of others)

18 More Class Leadership Examples
Getting yourself out of a situation that isn’t working for you, and not wanting to disappoint others. Finding a sense of yourself as worthy when you have not felt yourself to be loved or “seen” by those who matter to you – or when your needs are not being met by others who should know better. Making good of a past error - overcoming

19 Why I asked you to write “Because so much depends on what you choose to see.” Effective leaders reflect a lot. (VCR) You often don’t know what you are thinking until you write it down. Writing clarifies what matters/mattered in a situation. (VCR) Writing shows you how far you have come; it can help you lead and encourage others. (VCRE)

20 Key Leadership Behaviors
Challenge the process Inspire a shared vision Enable others to act Model the way Encourage the heart two perspectives—what people want and what organizations need—are neatly combined in a set of five key behaviors identified by James Kouzes and Barry Posner, two well–known authors and consultants. 9 The best leaders 1. Challenge the process. They challenge conventional beliefs and practices, and they create change. 2. Inspire a shared vision. They appeal to people’s values and motivate them to care about an important mission. 3. Enable others to act. They give people access to information and give them the power to perform to their full potential. 4. Model the way. They don’t just tell people what to do, they are living examples of the ideals they believe in. 5. Encourage the heart. They show appreciation, provide rewards, and use various approaches to motivate people in positive ways.

21 Two Traditional Approaches to Understanding Leadership
Trait approach A leadership perspective that attempts to determine the personal characteristics that great leaders share But many studies show that the key to leadership is really understanding YOUR strengths and apply them to situations where your combination of abilities and traits can make a difference.

22 Another Approach to Understanding Leadership
Behavioral approach A leadership perspective that attempts to identify what good leaders do—that is, what behaviors they exhibit. Example: Amy Cuddy, PhD Princeton – “Our Body Language Shapes Who We Are”

23 Contemporary Perspectives on Leadership
Charismatic leader A person who is dominant, self-confident, convinced of the moral righteousness of his beliefs, and able to arouse a sense of excitement and adventure in followers.

24 Contemporary Perspectives on Leadership
Transformational leader A leader who motivates people to transcend their personal interests for the good of the group. Transactional leaders Leaders who manage through transactions, using their legitimate, reward, and coercive powers to give commands and exchange rewards for services rendered.

25 Contemporary Perspectives on Leadership
Level 5 leadership – Jim Collins A combination of strong professional will (determination) and humility that builds enduring greatness. How Level 5 is Different

26 Opportunities for Leaders
Servant-leader A leader who serves others’ needs while strengthening the organization. Bridge leaders A leader who bridges conflicting value systems or different cultures.

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