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Miami-Dade County Public Schools Department of Science ICAD 2

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Presentation on theme: "Miami-Dade County Public Schools Department of Science ICAD 2"— Presentation transcript:

1 Miami-Dade County Public Schools Department of Science ICAD 2
September 26, 27th & 29th, 2016 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM Curriculum Support Specialists: Noreyda Casañas Yusimi Perez-Osteen Mary Tweedy

2 Session Goals Identify and develop teachers’ reflective practices around instruction (planning and delivery). Cultivate student understanding of science inquiry through hands-on activities focusing on experimental investigations enabling them to think and act like scientists and develop a science fair project. Develop standards-based lessons through planning, implementation and feedback. Department of Science

3 ICAD 2 Smart Goal Reflection
Reflect on an ICAD 2 activity implemented in your classroom. Think about the planning that went into the lesson. Share why you selected the strategy(ies) you implemented in the lesson? How easy/difficult was it to implement in your classroom? Explain. How do you know whether the activity you implemented affected student learning? How does your lesson connect to prior and future learning objectives of your students? Department of Science

Identify something you consider yourself to be an expert around….Jot it down. Everyone have something in mind? Great! Go back to Point A…. When you were at the pre-expert stage. Didn’t know anything. What happened between point A & Point B? What happened to get you to the place you’re in today? Talk with someone next to you….

5 4. Adjustments Pre-Novice Expertise 3. Assessment 2. Intentionality
NOW…after a quick explanation of the four components of the Reflective Cycle (we learn about the THING, we work on it intentionally, we gauge whether or not it’s working, and we refine and adjust as necessary), ask folks to categorize everything noted on the chart paper into one of these four titles. Work together – this can be powerful collaboration, plus maybe only half the audience has good enough eyesight to see the chart paper! 1. Awareness

6 The Reflective Cycle Capability to Adjust Actions
How intentionally do I plan and deliver all aspects of my teaching? How do I know whether my actions affect student learning? How aware am I of my students, the content, and pedagogy? How effectively do I respond to the results of ongoing assessments? Capability to Adjust Actions Awareness of Instructional Reality Intentionality of Actions Ability to Accurately Assess

7 Promoting Digital Fluency
ICAD Elementary Science Staff Notebook Office 365 One Drive Shared with me ICAD Elementary Science ICAD 2 Department of Science

8 Science Fair packet and payment are due by 4pm on December 14, 2016
Science Fair online registration date: November 01, 2016 – December 12, 2016 Science Fair packet and payment are due by 4pm on December 14, 2016 STEAM Expo Science Fair projects check-in date: Friday 02/03/17 1pm-6pm STEAM Expo Science Fair Competition date: Saturday 02/04/17 8:30am-4pm Department of Science

9 Getting Students Ready for Science Fair! continued
Science Fair Handbook: – Elementary – Competitions – Elementary Fair - Science Fair Handbook PSELL Big Ideas 1 & 2 Student Resources pp.11 – 22 Investigating Evidence: – Elementary - Instructional Resources Gr. 5 Q1 (District Power Point) Science Fair Resources: – Elementary – Competitions - Elementary Fair – Project/Resources Samples Investigation Ideas: Review theBig Idea 1 &2 resourcees from PSELL, a guided instructional tool on pp’11-18. Department of Science

10 Suggested project timeline: See Gr
Suggested project timeline: See Gr. 5 Pacing Guide, Quarter 1, Topic 5 p. 8 Topic 5 Introduction to Science Fair Projects is Oct/ 4th – 14th. Note packets are to out on the 14th after instruction of Topic 5 benchmarks. Department of Science

11 Explain Evaluate Engage Explore 5 E’s of Science Elaborate
EXTEND EVALUATE 5 E’s of Science What are the 5Es? The 5Es represent five stages of a sequence for teaching and learning: Engage, Explore, Explain, Extend (or Elaborate), and Evaluate. The purpose for the ENGAGE stage is to pique student interest and get them personally involved in the lesson, while pre-assessing prior understanding The purpose for the EXPLAIN stage is to provide students with an opportunity to communicate what they have learned so far and figure out what it means The purpose for the EXPLORE stage is to get students involved in the topic; providing them with a chance to build their own understanding The purpose for the ELABORATE/EXTEND stage is to allow students to use their new knowledge and continue to explore its implications The purpose for the EVALUATION stage is for both students and teachers to determine how much learning and understanding has taken place Explain Evaluate Engage What is the essential content? Scientific method Explore Elaborate Department of Science

12 Mario Junco, Senior Implementation Coordinator

13 All Reporting Categories
Click below for: All Reporting Categories Department of Science

14 Professional Development
Science STEAMs It Up K-5 PD on every Teacher Planning Day Science Webinar on November 23rd for Grades K-1, 2-3, 4–5 teachers ICAD #4 for Gr. 5 Science Teachers December 5th, 6th, and 8th Check My Learning Plan and upcoming Weekly Briefings for more information Share these upcoming professional development opportunities. Department of Science

15 Science Department Dr. Ava D. Rosales Executive Director Elementary
Middle School High School Mr. Dane Jaber Supervisor Dr. Millard Lightburn Ms. Noreyda Casañas Curriculum Support Specialist Ms. Vanessa Baker Mr. Daniel Gangeri Ms. Yusimi O’Steen Ms. Cindy Jolicoeur Curriculum Support Specialist MS/K-8 Ms. Mary Tweedy Curriculum Support Specialist Ms. Mildred Farber District Administrative Assistant Phone: Department of Science

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