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Human Anatomy Final Exam Review Get a set of A, B, C, D cards.

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1 Human Anatomy Final Exam Review Get a set of A, B, C, D cards

2 superior, caudal inferior, cranial anterior, ventral anterior, dorsal
Which of the following orientation and directional terms have the same meaning (in humans): superior, caudal inferior, cranial anterior, ventral anterior, dorsal

3 Mandy pulled a muscle in the inguinal region. Where is this region:
buttock groin thigh hip

4 coronal transverse oblique midsagittal
A section that divides the body on the longitudinal plane into equal right and left parts is called: coronal transverse oblique midsagittal

5 Which set of regions in the abdominopelvic cavity is medial:
epigastric, umbilical, hypogastric umbilical, lumbar, epigastric iliac, lumbar, hypogastric inguinal, umbilical, epigastric

6 The thoracic cavity is ___ to the abdominopelvic cavity:
inferior lateral proximal superior

7 Letter C indicates the:
cranial cavity spinal cavity thoracic cavity abdominopelvic cavity

8 Bone is classified as which type of tissue:
epithelial muscle nervous connective

9 skeletal and smooth muscle
The type of muscle found in the walls of hollow organs, such as the stomach and in the walls of blood vessels, is: cardiac muscle skeletal muscle smooth muscle skeletal and smooth muscle

10 mucous cutaneous synovial serous
Which moist epithelial membrane lines the body cavities that open to the exterior: mucous cutaneous synovial serous

11 melanin keratin sebum sweat
The darkening of the skin that occurs when exposed to the sun is due to: melanin keratin sebum sweat

12 Which of the following is an indication of melanoma:
a symmetrical mole a pigmented spot that is black a spot smaller than a pencil eraser a pigmented spot that contains areas of different colors

13 Letter D is the: hair follicle adipose tissue sebaceous gland
stratum corneum

14 Letter C is the: hair follicle adipose tissue sebaceous gland
sweat gland

15 Letter B is the: hair follicle arrector pili muscle sebaceous gland
hair root

16 Letter O is the: sacrum clavicle sternum scapula

17 Letter E is the: femur tibia humerus fibula

18 Letter Q is the: ulna radius fibula talus

19 Letter C is the: clavicle carpal coccyx scapula

20 Voluntary muscle tissue is:
smooth muscle skeletal muscle dense regular cardiac muscle

21 A muscle located on the ventral (anterior) side of the body is the:
occipitalis gastrocnemius latissimus dorsi pectoralis major

22 What is the main function of the quadriceps femoris group:
knee extension hand supination arm flexion foot inversion

23 biceps femoris iliopsoas sartorius gastrocnemius
Paralysis of which of the following would make an individual unable to plantar flex: biceps femoris iliopsoas sartorius gastrocnemius

24 Letter A is labeling the:
axon dendrites myelin sheath axon terminals

25 Letter C is labeling the:
axon dendrites myelin sheath axon terminals

26 Letter I is labeling the:
cerebellum cerebrum medulla oblongata pons

27 Letter J is labeling the:
parietal lobe frontal lobe occipital lobe temporal lobe

28 sympathetic nervous system
Preparing the body for the “fight-or-flight” response during threatening situations is the role of the: sympathetic nervous system cerebellum parasympathetic nervous system somatic nervous system

29 Which structure changes shape for accommodation:
Letter A Letter B Letter C Letter D A D B E C F

30 Which structure contains photoreceptors:
Letter C Letter D Letter E Letter F A D B E C F

31 Which letter is labeling the sclera:
Letter C Letter D Letter E Letter F A D B E C F

32 The gland that produces tears in the eye is the:
tarsal gland ceruminous gland lacrimal gland sebaceous gland

33 Which of the following correctly lists the order of the parts of the eye through which light passes as it enters the eye: cornea, aqueous humor, iris, vitreous humor cornea, aqueous humor, lens, vitreous humor lens, aqueous humor, cornea, vitreous humor cornea, vitreous humor, lens, aqueous humor

34 Letter A is labeling the:
oval window tympanic membrane cochlea pinna A

35 Which structure contains the organ for hearing:
B C D A Letter A Letter B Letter C Letter D

36 malleus, incus, stapes incus, malleus, stapes malleus, stapes, incus
The pathway of vibrations through the ossicles from the tympanic membrane, or eardrum, to the oval window is: malleus, incus, stapes incus, malleus, stapes malleus, stapes, incus stapes, incus, malleus

37 right ventricle to the right atrium
When the ventricles contract, the bicuspid (mitral) valve prevents blood from flowing from the: right ventricle to the right atrium right atrium to the right ventricle left ventricle to the left atrium left atrium to the left ventricle

38 congestive heart failure
The accumulation of fatty plaque in the blood vessel wall causes hardening of the vessel called: congestive heart failure atherosclerosis fibrillation peripheral congestion

39 The path of blood flow within the systemic vascular system from larger to smaller to larger is:
arterioles, arteries, capillary beds, venules, veins arteries, arterioles, capillary beds, veins, venules arterioles, arteries, capillary beds, veins, venules arteries, arterioles, capillary beds, venules, veins

40 apnea acidosis pulmonary embolism alkalosis
Hypoventilation dramatically increases carbon dioxide in blood and results in: apnea acidosis pulmonary embolism alkalosis

41 The most important chemical stimulus to increase rate and depth of breathing is:
increased carbon dioxide in the blood increased blood pH decreased carbon dioxide in the blood decreased oxygen level in the blood

42 What is the most common cause for lung cancer:
diet work environment smoking heredity

43 sucrose lactose starch cellulose
Which one of the following is NOT one of the carbohydrates that the human digestive system is able to break down to simple sugars: sucrose lactose starch cellulose

44 Ketoacidosis results from the incomplete breakdown of:
proteins glycogen fats cholesterol

45 Letter B is the: calyx renal pelvis ureter renal cortex

46 Letter D is the: renal column renal pelvis renal pyramid renal capsule

47 Letter G is the: renal column renal pyramid renal pelvis renal cortex

48 renal vein renal pyramid nephron renal pelvis
The functional unit of the kidney that filters blood and forms urine is the: renal vein renal pyramid nephron renal pelvis

49 pituitary gland thyroid gland thymus gland adrenal gland
Letter C is the: pituitary gland thyroid gland thymus gland adrenal gland

50 Letter D is the: adrenal gland thyroid gland pancreas thymus gland

51 Letter F is the: thymus gland adrenal gland thyroid gland pancreas

52 thyroid gland ovaries adrenal glands parathyroid glands
Letter G is the: thyroid gland ovaries adrenal glands parathyroid glands

53 Letter H is the: pituitary gland pineal gland adrenal gland pancreas

54 Letter K is the: scrotum prostate testis urethra

55 Letter C is the: urethra spermatic cord prostate gland vas deferens

56 Letter B is the: cervix ovary uterus fallopian tube

57 Letter E is the: endometrium urethra fallopian tube vagina

58 Letter G is the: uterus urethra cervix vagina

59 Hematocrit is the percentage of:
erythrocytes in blood plasma in blood leukocytes in blood platelets in blood

60 The formation of an insoluble clot during hemostasis is:
coagulation agglutination hematopoiesis diapedesis

61 thromboplastin thrombus embolus clotting cascade
A clot that breaks away from a vessel wall and circulates freely within the bloodstream is a(n): thromboplastin thrombus embolus clotting cascade

62 Which of the following is a blood clotting disorder:
polycythemia anemia leukocytosis hemophilia

63 agglutination coagulation clotting cascade hemostasis
The process whereby the binding of antibodies to antigens causes RBCs to clump is: agglutination coagulation clotting cascade hemostasis

64 Which blood type(s) can a person with blood type O receive:
type A type O type B type AB

65 Letter C is the: pancreas thymus spleen gallbladder

66 Letter B is the: pancreas thymus spleen gallbladder

67 tonsils thymus gland spleen Peyer’s patches
Which lymphatic organ’s major job is to destroy worn-out red blood cells and return some products to the liver: tonsils thymus gland spleen Peyer’s patches

68 Which lymphoid tissues trap and remove bacteria entering the throat:
axillary lymph nodes tonsils Peyer’s patches thymus gland

69 phagocytes skin and mucous membranes natural killer cells
The body’s first line of defense against invasion of disease-causing microorganisms is: phagocytes skin and mucous membranes natural killer cells inflammatory response

70 Which of the following is often used to treat allergies:
antihistamines corticosteroids blood transfusions immunosuppressor drugs

71 Letter A is pointing to the:
Purkinje fibers atrioventricular node bundle of His sinoatrial node A.

72 Letter A is pointing to the:
atria ventricles aorta auricles A.

73 Letter A is pointing to the:
atria ventricles aorta auricles A.

74 Letter A is pointing to the:
right atrium left atrium right ventricle left ventricle A.

75 ventricles, atria atria, ventricles auricles, vena cavae
The two superior receiving heart chambers are the , the discharging chambers are the . ventricles, atria atria, ventricles auricles, vena cavae veins, arteries

76 The term for high blood pressure is:
coronary artery disease hypertension atherosclerosis hypotension

77 Letter J is the: small intestine large intestine stomach liver

78 Letter D is the: small intestine large intestine stomach liver

79 Letter C is the: pharynx bile duct esophagus ileum

80 Letter H is the: primary bronchus larynx trachea lung

81 Letter I is the: oral cavity larynx trachea esophagus

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