Review from 8th grade.

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1 Review from 8th grade

2 To avoid an imbalance of power, the three branches of government “check” on each other and “balance,” or share, the powers of government. Checks and Balances

3 Executive Branch Checks Legislative Checks Judicial
Can grant pardons (this also checks the Judicial branch) Can veto bills Checks Judicial Appoints federal judges

4 Legislative Branch Checks Executive Checks Judicial
Can impeach federal officials Can overrule a president’s veto Can refuse to confirm judicial appointments Checks Judicial Rewrites laws to adjust to court rulings

5 Judicial Branch Checks Legislative Checks Executive
Can declare laws unconstitutional Checks Executive Judges are free from executive control Can declare executive actions unconstitutional

6 Three Branches of Government

7 Congress: Makes Laws House of Representatives: (435 members) Reps serve a two year term (elected every two years) Must be 25 years old and have been a citizen for 7 years Can propose tax laws (revenue bills originate here!) Can impeach the president

8 Congress: Makes Laws Senate (100 members) Serve a six year term
Must be 30 years old and have been a citizen for 9 years Approves presidential appointments (cabinet, Supreme Court Justices, federal judges…) 2/3 of Senators must approve of treaties the executive branch makes with foreign countries Holds the trial for all impeachments

9 Congress: Makes Laws Both houses together can: Propose laws
Declare war Can override the president’s veto with 2/3 of both houses Can propose amendments to the constitution with 2/3 of both houses in agreement

10 Executive Branch (Pres., V.P., Cabinet): Enforces Laws
Four year term of office with 2 term limit Must be 35 years old, a 14-year resident of the US, and native born (born a citizen) Has power to approve or veto laws Makes treaties w/ foreign governments Nominates Supreme Court Judges Appoints cabinet members Commander in Chief of US military forces

11 Judicial Branch: Interprets Laws
Judges hold office for life (add: no age or citizen requirements) Can declare laws unconstitutional Resolves disputes involving the United States (they hear cases involving The Constitution) Resolves disputes between two states Chief Justice presides over a President’s impeachment trial There are 9 Justices!

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