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Research Paper Start with an Overview Paragraph

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1 Research Paper Start with an Overview Paragraph
Written after the rest of the document is finished Summarizes the content of the rest of the document Include the Hypothesis (a statement you will be attempting to prove) at the end of this paragraph Create Paragraphs for each Main Topic using the M.E.A.L. plan Start with a Main Idea for the paragraph Provide Evidence from your research Link the Evidence to the Hypothesis Provide Analysis to explain and expand on the evidence Link this paragraph to the Main Topic, any Hypothesis and to the next Paragraph Provide a Concluding Paragraph Summarizes what the paper covered and how the paper supported the Hypothesis Restate the Hypothesis so the reader can put everything together

2 M.E.A.L Plan M is for the MAIN IDEA or Topic Sentence
The topic sentence starts the paragraph and serves as the most important sentence in the paragraph because it tells the reader exactly what the subject of the paragraph will be. This is especially important in an essay, because these paragraphs will support the most important sentence of an essay: the Hypothesis/Thesis statement or main argument.

3 M.E.A.L Plan After the Main Topic sentence, you can add supporting sentences that help explain the Main Idea or Topic. Remember paragraphs include at least 5 to 8 sentences Supporting sentences often come before you provide Evidence (the E in M.E.A.L.)

4 M.E.A.L Plan E is for EVIDENCE or Proof that was found in the research. This would be an opportunity to use quotes or point out examples from the text you are reading to support your claim. Don’t forget to CITE these sources and add them to the Reference page.

5 M.E.A.L Plan A is for ANALYSIS which explain How the Evidence you provided Proves the Main Idea. Analysis is the trickiest part of the MEAL paragraph because you need to explain very carefully how each piece of evidence you provide supports the Evidence.

6 M.E.A.L Plan L is for LINK. It Links the paragraph back to the Main Idea or Topic and it Links the paragraph to the Hypothesis/Thesis (where applicable) and it Links the paragraph to the next Paragraph in the paper.

7 FOR INSTANCE. If we did research on how to buy a new car:
A MAIN Idea or Topic sentence could say… Quality, Cost-of-Ownership and Reliability are some of the factors in buying a new car.

8 EVIDENCE may say. There are many factors used to decide when purchasing a car. According to Fiden (2019), Quality, Cost-of-Ownership and Reliability are 3 important factors in choosing a car. (below is the Reference for Evidence found in the Research) Fiden G. (2019). Three Important Factors to Consider when Choosing a Car. Retrieved from Real Car Tips: factors-when-choosing-car.shtml Reed, P. (2016). How to Buy a New Car. Retrieved from nerdwallet:

9 ANALYSIS may say: New cars are built to specific standards and may appear of better quality than others in their class. However, over time, poor construction standards and cheap parts may affect the car’s durability. Cost of Ownership (initial price, maintenance, gas consumption and insurance) may very across different cars but most cars are competitive to gain market share. In the past, Reliability was a major concern and some manufacturers and product lines have failed due to poor reliability. However, “most vehicles nowadays are highly reliable.” Fiden (2019)

10 The LINK may say: Quality, Cost-of-Ownership and Reliability are all important factors in buying a new car. Fiden (2019) concludes that Quality is the most critical factor in the car’s purchase. In the next paragraph, Finance will be discussed as another factor in the purchase of a new car.

11 Buying a New Car (example)
Overview There are a number of … Hypothesis: Quality is the most important aspect in buying a new car Set Budget M.E.A.L. Choose Right Car Check Quality, Cost-of-Ownership and Reliability Main Idea: Quality, Cost-of-Ownership and Reliability are critical factors in buying a car. Evidence: According to Fiden (2019), Quality is the most important factor in buying a new car. Analysis: ….. Link to next Main Idea Test-drive Car Locate Car Find Right Price Get Dealer Quotes Maximize Trade-in Value Summary

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