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Soroptimist International Unions of Belgium, Luxemburg and Netherlands

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1 Soroptimist International Unions of Belgium, Luxemburg and Netherlands
Advancing & Empowering Women WOEMEN 4 WOMEN SOROPTIMIST BeNeLux Mentoring Program Soroptimist International Unions of Belgium, Luxemburg and Netherlands start the 2nd BeNeLux Mentoring Program. 1 1 1 1

What is beeing a Soroptimist / Goals, Mission – Soroptimists are women in professions and business who work together at local, national and international levels to educate, empower and enable women and girls with an aim to improving their lives. – Soroptimist International was founded in Today, we are a strong international network of some 75,000 women, who are powerful and effective advocates of women’s and girls’ rights. Why is mentoring important for our organisation Soroptimist Todays facts women and leadership positions Definition of “Mentoring” Learn about the BeNeLux Mentoring Program & about the added values

3 Educate, Empower and Enable Women to Achieve Their Goals
MISSSION & GOALS Educate, Empower and Enable Women to Achieve Their Goals The Soroptimist mission is to educate, empower and enable women and girls. In addition to the grants financed by the SIE Scholarship Funds, Unions and Clubs throughout the Federation award numerous scholarships and organise various mentoring programmes that empower women in their countries and communities to achieve their professional goals. Mentoring programmes take a number of different forms, but all serve the same purpose: to empower women in their careers. Some Unions and Clubs collaborate with other institutions in mentoring young women; others work with universities to create customised programmes for participants.

4 II.Why is mentoring important for our Soroptimist organisation
is at the heart of SI goals, which are to educate, empower and enable women and girls with an aim to improve their lives. is an effective and rewarding way of sharing Soroptimist members’ knowledge, skills and values, helping to strengthen organizational capacity and create powerful teams within its structure. is one of the ways in which Soroptimist members can live up to their mission and further contribute to the local, national and international community. Soroptimists have to pass their knowledge to younger women and empathize with a younger and new generation to be able to learn about the changes in society and to accept them.

5 III. Economic inequality for another 200 years.
"The situation is less promising, as thought in 2016" STEM education have to attract women ( STEM: Science, Technologie, Engineering, Mathematics) WOMEN DON't PUSH & UNDERESTIMATE THEIR NEEDED QUALITIES Global Gender Gap Report Davos : 19 January 2018 5 5 5

6 The first promotion makes already a differene of 30%
Women mis the first step Gender Gap Report WEF (World Economique Forum) 2018 The first promotion makes already a differene of 30% 100 women men first promotion 6 6 6

7 III. Definition of “Mentoring” vs “Coaching”

8 IV. Learn about the BeNeLux Mentoring Prorgram
the added value helping to develop the skills needed to advance the career of young women 3 workshops for mentees / mentors Kick off : Belgium 4 – 6 October 2019 Mid-term : Luxemburg 31 January – 2 Februari 2020 Final : Netherlands 14 – 16 June 2020 The program is intended for young women with career aspirations and offers 9 months of mentoring from October 2019 to June 2020. Interested? Read the flyer<<

9 IV. Learn about the BeNeLux Mentoring Program & about the added value
Target audience Have 3-6 years of professional experiene Are aiming for a leadership or management position Support networking between women Understand the importance of civic and social responsibility Are interested in an international exchange

10 IV. & Added values of a SOROPTIMIST Mentoring Program
Soroptimists have to pass their knowledge to younger women. We must learn to empathize with a younger and new generation to be able to learn about the changes in society and to accept them. Soroptimist as a organisation : we have to change views. Mentors tel us : I e n j o y e d the professional training in the workshops for Mentors by Soroptimist trainers. T h e y provide tools and knowledge not only for the mentees but also for us as mentors; you are never too old to learn, they offer great added value. M e n t o r i n g is a project that appeals to me. I can effectively be somebody for my club and organisation and for a young woman. H a p p y to enter in a network of Soroptimists that I might have never been able to meet otherwise. E x p e r i e n c e d now that the connection with the mentee doesn't stop after the period of mentoring, which is another added value.

11 & added values / beeing an “ideal” mentor
The “ideal” Mentor is : generous in sharing knwowledge and experience, empathetic, open-minded, able to listen, responsible and reliable, flexible. The “ideal” mentor is able to: listen actively, communicate at the same eye level, explain and clarify topics/questions/issues/goals, demonsrate and trigger self-actualisation, manage the framework of the mentoring sessions, an acknowledged/successful professional in her field of activity, a Soroptimist with a SI network that can be local, regional, national or international.

12 & added values Mentees tel us : T h e
mentoring pro­gramme made me realise that by working harder and longer, I will not achieve my goals in life. My mentor made me reflect, make a plan and execute it. openness, warm-heartedness and support of my mentor, her interest in my person and my personal continuous development, our experience exchange on job-related questions and the insights in her everyday professional life. I am now the mother of a lovely 3 year-old boy, I work 80%, combine work with study and have a healthy work-life balance leaving enough time for me and my family. It was the best decision ever! well-directed questions, suggestions and examples from my mentors own experiences showed me that it is worth­while to move on, to look forward and to believe in own goals. “I very much hope, that the mentoring idea ... will be carried on, giving even more women this one-in-a-lifetime chance. “

13 & added values / the “ideal” mentee
PROFILE OF THE “IDEAL” MENTEE • A certain level of developmental maturity, • Willingness to ask questions, • Ability to initiate and participate in a discussion, • Ability to accept praise and constructive criticism well, • A positive attitude, • A high degree of responsibility, • Eagerness to explore new, Professional in the relationship with the mentor: i.e. being punctual, preparing for each mentoring session, respecting the agreed ground rules and talking openly and honestly with the mentor. The ideal mentee is willing to develop personally and professionally and admits that she needs support and guidance from a mentor.

14 team reaching out for support?
How is the Mentoring team reaching out for support? By asking for founding Soroptimist Unions supporting Club sponsors Public sponsors King Baudouin Foundation (Belgium) Ministry of Equal Opportunities (Luxembourg) Mentees contribute with 600€ towards the program (training material and costs for catering for the workshops) Soroptimist engagement by : Supporting young women who need a scholarship Mentors who act as Soroptimist voluntary members Soroptimist trainers who support as voluntary engagement Country-Coordinators who support as voluntary engagement S.I.B vzw, Middaglijnstraat 10, 1210 Brussel / S.I.B asbl, Rue du Méridien 10, 1210 Bruxelles Rechtspersonenregister / Registre des personnes morales , IBAN BE BIC GEBABEBB 14

15 If you want to take part in the upcoming BeNeLux Mentoring Program 2019-2020 send your CV to:
Of neem contact op met: Edith Koetsier: Of Marion Weisz:

16 Thank you for your attention and support

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