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Jackie hoyle, RPGST Griffin Hospital Sleep wellness Center

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1 Jackie hoyle, RPGST Griffin Hospital Sleep wellness Center
Sleep and Our Health Jackie hoyle, RPGST Griffin Hospital Sleep wellness Center

2 Sleep Problems?

3 Outline About sleep Sleep Disorders Consequences of sleep disorders
Patterns and Stages How much sleep do we need? Sleep Disorders Types Prevalence Symptoms Causes Consequences of sleep disorders Accidents/Decreased functioning Health Treatment of Disorders Sleep hygiene

4 True or False Sleep is the time for the general body and brain to shut down and rest. Getting one hour less sleep per night than needed will not affect daytime functioning. The body can adjust quickly to changes in sleep schedules We need less sleep as we get older. A “good nights sleep” can cure problems with excessive daytime sleepiness.

5 About Sleep We spend 1/3 of our lives asleep
Sleep is an active process No organ or regulatory system “shuts down” Slight decrease in metabolic rate Some brain activity increases during sleep Delta Waves Many parts of the brain are as active as awake periods At least 2 hours of dream state per night Specific hormones increase during sleep Growth hormone Melatonin Specific cues exist for regulation of sleep

6 What is Sleep? Sleep is a state marked by lessoned consciousness, lessened movement of the skeletal muscles, and slowed-down metabolism.

7 How much sleep do we need?
Infants Toddlers Pre School School Age 10-11 Teens Most adults need 7 ½ -8 hours to function well About 10% require more or less sleep Pregnant women need more sleep

8 Sleep Patterns 4 stages of sleep during a normal night
Stages 1-3 or non-REM and REM (rapid eye movement) During non-REM sleep, many of the restorative functions of sleep occur During REM sleep, memories and thoughts from the day are processed Stages progress cyclically 1-3 , then REM, restart back at stage 1 One complete cycle takes about minutes First cycles have relatively short REM sleeps REM sleep time increases in later cycles

9 Stages Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Light sleep, drift in and out, awaken easily Eyes move slowly, muscle activity slows May experience a sense of falling followed by sudden muscle contractions Stage 2 Eye movement stops Brain waves are slower, occasional bursts of rapid waves Stage 3 Extremely slow waves-Delta waves Interspersed with smaller faster waves Considered deep sleep No eye or muscle movement, difficult to awaken Time when sleepwalking, bedwetting, or terrors occur

10 REM Sleep Rapid Eye Movement Stage
Brain waves increase to the awake level Most dreams occur during this stage If awoken in this stage, most people remember their dreams Physical changes during REM Increase in H.R., B.P., and breathing rate Breathing more shallow and irregular Eyes jerk rapidly Limb muscles temporarily paralyzed Some loss of temperature regulation Men may experience erections Most people have 3-5 intervals of REM each night Infants spend 50% of time in REM Adults spend nearly half of time in Stage 2 20% in REM, other 30% divided among other stages Progressively spend less time in REM as we age


12 Children 2/3 of children have several sleep problems per week
25%-40% of children have sleep disorders 10-12% snore regularly

13 Contributors to Sleep Deprivation/Deficit
Not going to bed! Inadequate time in bed… Must be “productive” mentality Attitude that sleeping is sloth or not necessary We get 1 ½ hrs. less than others since 1910 Poor Sleep Hygiene Sleep Disorders

14 Contributors to Sleep Disorders
Genetics Aging Menopause, hot flashes, hormone changes 1/3 of older adults have insomnia More nocturnal awakenings, more fitful sleep Overweight 40% have sleep apnea Diabetes ½ of people with sleep apnea have diabetes Pain/Illness Arthritis, osteoporosis, dementias, heart disease, lung disease, cancers digestive disorders Medications Stress

15 Common Sleep Disorders
Snoring/Apnea Insomnia 9-12% Narcolepsy Restless leg syndrome-5% Over 80 different disorders

16 General Symptoms of a Sleep Problem
Performance decrease: academic, physical, etc. Behavioral difficulties Irritable Hyperactive Frequent illness Headaches, jaw pain, earaches Depression, anxiety Daytime sleepiness

17 Signs of Sleep Deprivation
Needing an alarm clock to wake up Falling asleep within 5 minutes of hitting the pillow Well-rested people take minutes Napping easily High number on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale

18 Cardiovascular Disease and Sleep-disordered Breathing
Insomnia © 2003 ResMed Corp

19 1/3 of Americans are affected by Insomnia 50% consider their insomnia serious 10% have been prescribed a medication for the insomnia

20 Transient – less than 2 weeks (excitement or stress) Intermittent – repetitive episodes of transient (personal/professional problems) Chronic – insomnia greater than 6 months (20 million Americans a year)

21 Consequences of sleep disorders

22 In general 4 out of 10 adults sleepiness interfere with activities a few days each month 20% adults sleepiness interferes a few days per week or more Direct cost of sleep related problems 16 billion dollars Indirect cost billion

23 Poor Functioning Drowsy driving Disasters
Sleep deprived, 2-4 times greater risk of an accident 100,000 auto accidents 71, 000 injuries 1,550 deaths 20% of all drivers have dozed at least once behind the wheel One night of sleep deprivation is equal to legal intoxication Disasters Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, Challenger, Exxon Valdez Contributed to by errors in judgment from fatigue, sleepiness

24 More mistakes! Work Performance and accidents
Contributes to job absenteeism, lost productivity Mistakes and work accidents increase Medical errors- study with sleepy interns 36% more serious errors Of which 31% caused a fatality 28% more intercepted errors 57% more non-intercepted errors 21% more medication errors 5.6 times as many serious diagnostic errors

25 Health Consequences Cardiovascular system-increase in heart disease
Increase in blood pressure Increase risk for heart attacks, strokes, 5 or fewer hours have 45% greater risk Endocrine Affects appetite regulating hormone Diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance 2.5 times more with 5 or less hours of sleep 1.7 times more with 6 or fewer hours of sleep Obesity and weight management Increase in stress hormones Thyroid and growth hormones affected Immune system-more susceptible to illness

26 Health Consequences Continued
Nervous system-memory and learning affected Balance is affected, more falls, 2 to 4.5 greater chance of falling Increased risk of tremors, seizures Increase in pain, frequent headaches Mental Health Decreased neurotransmitters affecting mood More distress, irritability, depression , alcohol use, suicide Decreased quality of life Early death Less than 6 hours of sleep or less per night- 15%-30% greater risk of dying, regardless of cause Protective factors of avoiding tobacco, alcohol, and unhealthy foods lost with sleep deprivation

27 Treatment of Disorders
Good Sleep Hygiene Medications Psychotherapy, stress management Relaxation techniques OSA treatment Mouth appliance Surgery-tonsils and/or adenoids Weight reduction if obese CPAP-Continuous positive airway pressure

28 Stimulus Control Bed for sleeping only, limit other activities (except sex!) Eating, reading, watching television, studying, work, hobbies Go to bed when you are drowsy If you don’t fall asleep within 20 minutes Get up, leave the bedroom Read something dull Room and bed comfortable Little clutter Keep bedroom temperature Cool Lighting low, expose yourself to bright lights during day Bed, sheets, PJ’s comfortable and not binding

29 Sleep Hygiene What contributes to good sleep?
Relaxing Routine Warm bath/shower Quiet activities Lower lights Regular sleep schedule Go to bed and get up around the same time Limit naps Limit stimulating behaviors before bedtime Limit caffeine after 2 pm Limit alcohol after dinner Limit large or spicy meals Limit vigorous exercise 4-6 hours before bed

30 Sleep Hygiene Continued
De-stress, learn relaxation techniques Physical and mental Maintain a regular physical activity routine Physical activity helps with stress Fitness reportedly helps with sleep quality Do not go to bed hungry or full Light snack of foods with tryptophan Practice stimulus control (see next slide)

31 © 2003 ResMed Corp

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