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Other Fields of Battle Lesson 4.

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1 Other Fields of Battle Lesson 4

2 Jigsaw activity Get in groups of three
Assign each group member a number (1-2-3) Break into larger expert groups (all 1’s together, all 2’s together, all 3’s together) Use p of the textbook to Complete TLS Worksheet 1.1.8: Contributions of Aviators, Sailors, and People behind the Lines

3 Jigsaw activity 1’s become experts Canadian Aviators – p. 18-19
2’s become experts Canadian Sailors – p 3’s become experts Canadians behind the Lines – p 4 members from each group will be responsible for completing the chart on the board. One person per section.

4 Show You Know Questions
Answer both Show You Know questions on p. 19, 21, 23 in complete sentences. Hand in you answers when finished for marking Both are Due by the start of class tomorrow Question 2 is always open-ended and there is no wrong answer as long as your responses are well-thought-out and justified.

5 Show You Know Questions - Aviators
What nickname was given to the air force during World War I? Why were these nicknames given? The pilots of World War I have been described as heroes. They also have been described as brave victims. Think about the differences between a hero and a brave victim. Which description would you use? Explain your choice

6 Show You Know Questions - Sailors
Explain what the convoy system was about and why it was so important to the war effort If you had decided to sign up during World War I, which service would you have joined: the army, the air force, or the navy? Explain the reason for your choice.

7 Show You Know Questions – Behind the Lines
List three ways Canadians behind the front lines contributed to the war effort Examine the three painting on the next slide. Which painting do you think most effectively captures the horror or war? Explain your answer.


9 Building Block - Timeline
Reminder of the building block for this theme (the timeline). You may wish to check your criteria and decide whether you wish to add any of the events the class has discussed to your draft timeline. Due at the start of class on Wednesday February 21 You may also wish to add point-form notes to your learning summary pages Unit 1 – Theme 1 Quiz on Thursday February 22

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