Revolutionizing solar power with perovskites

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Presentation on theme: "Revolutionizing solar power with perovskites"— Presentation transcript:

1 Revolutionizing solar power with perovskites
Suraj Gehlot – BlogTheorem Domain – Energy Optimization

2 Humble Request Thank you for downloading the presentation. You can use it as reference, modified it according to your research Please on Instagram wherever you use it, as a creator this will help me boost my confidence and will feel happy someone is benefited through my work Follow blogtheorem on social media platform. Feel free to mail or DM on social media contact Have a nice day & enjoy the presentation 

3 Why go Solar?

4 The Silicon Crystalline Technology

5 Solar Panel – Si Special Properties

6 Manufacturing & Cost 99.9999% pure Si Temperature Semiconductor Lab
clean environment Industry

7 The Eureka Moment

8 Perovskites : Class of Compound
Named after Russian mineralogist Lev Perovski (1792–1856)

9 But Why?

10 Efficiency

11 Construction p-type e- h+ pair n-type

12 I) n-type (FTO+TiO2) 1) 2) 3) 4) Etched Solution Zinc+HCL
TiO2 Spin Coating 3500 rpm FTO only in the middle

13 II) Methylammonium Lead Tri-iodide perovskite
Spin Coating – 2000 rpm – 25 sec Anneal film on hot plate – 100 C CH3NH3PbI3 = (CH3NH3)+ Pb (I−)

14 III) p-type – Spiro-oMeTAD layer
Efficient HTM (Hole Transport Material) Metal Electrode for top contact

15 Final Product

16 Conclusion Advantages Commercial Challenges Ease of Fabrication
Strong Solar absorption Rapidly increasing Efficiency – 4 % in 2009 to 26 % in 2018 1/10th cost of silicon manufacturing process Low Temperature manufacturing process Color + Flexibility Commercial Challenges Stability Toxicity of Lead Degradation – Moisture, UV

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