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Career Development and Planning

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1 Career Development and Planning

2 Members Presenting: Tazeen Murtaza (MT-04-02)
Kamran Ashraf Gill (MT-04-07) Farhan Karim (MT-04-17) Waseem Aslam (MT-04-26) Sana Ismail (MT-04-30)

3 Presentation plan Tazeen Murtaza- Introduction
Farhan Karim- Creer development Sana Ismail- Career planning Waseem Aslam- Mobilink Kamran Ashraf- Conclusion

4 Introduction to HRM

5 Management Functions Planning Organizing Leading Controlling
“Human Resource Management” Leading Controlling

The management function that deals with recruitment, placement, training, development of organization members. HRM is a process for staffing the organization and sustaining high employee performance. HRM can be defined as all the practices, systems and procedures implemented to attract, acquire, develop and manage human resources to achieve the goals of an organization. Simply it is managing the employment relationship

7 Importance of “Human Resource Management”
Staff is the most important resource of an organization. Human resource is the key ingredient to success. “Human resource” creates organizational accomplishments and innovations.

8 Components of a HRM System
Career Development Human Resource Planning Compensation & Benefits HRM Performance Management Recruitment/ Decruitment Selection Orientation Training/ Development

9 Career Development

10 Career A sequence of positions held by a person during his or her lifetime. It is also defined as “advancement”.

11 Career Development An ongoing formalized effort of an organization that focuses on developing Human Resource in the light of both the employee’s and the organization need. It is Ongoing Formalized Organizational Development and Enrichment of HR Fulfillment of employee and organization’s needs

12 Career Development (Past)
Programs typically designed by organizations To advance their work activities within specific organization. Provide information ,assessment and training to help employees to realize their career goals. Attract and retain highly talented people.

13 Career Development (Today)
Wide spread organizational changes have lead to uncertainty and chaos concerning the concept of traditional organizational career.

14 Importance Reduce employee turn over
It has a positive effect on employees It helps employees to view their jobs and their employer Employee thinks that they are a part of the organization

15 Conti… Taking interest in employee career improve
Morale of the employee Boost productivity of the employee and organization Help the organization to become more effective

16 Objectives Waseem Aslam

17 Objectives (An organizational point of view)
Career development has three major objectives To meet the immediate and future human resource needs of organization on timely basis To better inform the organization and the individual about potential career paths within the organization

18 Conti… To utilize existing human resource programs to the fullest by integrating the activities that select, assign, develop and manage individual career with the organization’s plans

19 Who is responsible Successful career development requires actions from three sources Organization Employee Employee’s immediate manager

20 Organizational responsibilities
To ensure that career development takes place To develop and communicate career options within the organization Should advise an employee concerning possible career paths to achieve that employee’s career goals

21 Conti… Information about new jobs should be up to date
Accurate information should be communicated Inter-relationship among different career paths are understood Should promote the conditions and create the environment that facilitate the development of an individual’s career plans

22 Employee responsibilities
No body can plan for other, it comes from inside of the individual Only that person can do this, who actually know what he/she wants to do Find a time to develop a certain plan Make themselves worthy of higher jobs by getting experience and training

23 Manager’s responsibilities
“ The critical battle ground in career development is inside the mind of the person charged with supervisory responsibility” Work as a catalyst Help the employee to How to go about the process Evaluate the conclusions Manager should consider counseling their job

24 Implementation of career development
It involves four basic steps Individual assessment of His/her abilities Interest Career goals

25 Organizational assessment of
Individual’s potentials Individual’s abilities Communication of career options and opportunities within the organization Career counseling to set realistic goals and plans for their accomplishment

26 Individuals assessment
One should know his/her strengths He/she may go for further training and acquiring additional skills Financial resources available to the individual play an important role also

27 Organizational assessment
Organization should evaluate an employee’s performance continuously It is normally conducted by HR personnel Immediate managers

28 Significant Conclusion about Career Development?
The individual – not the organization is responsible for his/her own career! Organizational members have to look out for themselves and become more self reliant. Boundary less career is being established in which individual rather than organization define Review the career progress Organizational loyalty. Important skills. Market place value.

29 Organization’s responsibilities
Posting and advertising job vacancies Identify possible paths of advancements Share human resource forecasts with employees

30 Career Decisions Career choice. Initiate Job search.
How to survive and excel in your career. Opportunities for personnel development. Benefits. Recognition for good performance. Job location. Money. Working as a team.

31 Successful Management for Career Development
Develop a network. Continue upgrading your skills. Stay mobile. Support your boss. Don’t stay too long in your first job. Stay visible. Gain control of organization resources. Learn the power structure. Present the right image. Do Good work.

32 Career counseling Characteristics that make people likeable and effective are basically the same qualities that contribute to the successful counseling Counselor works as a catalyst Confidential – Ethics point Be honest, open and sincere

33 Career planning Sana Ismail

34 Career planning (Mapping your future)

35 Career planning Process by which an individual formulates career goals and develops plan for reaching them It should be realistic- look at available opportunities in relation to the abilities It provides satisfaction to the employee if he moves along the career path Achievements increases an individuals sense of achievement and motivation

36 Career path Career path provides milestones along the way
It’s a sequence of developmental activities Informal and formal educational, training and job experience

37 Career self management
Keep pace with the speed of change as it occurs in the organization and environment Obtaining new skills Provision of self development programs

38 Employees Performance Management

39 Employee Performance Management
Performance management is a process used within organization to establish and evaluate an individual’s job performance to achieve goals and objectives.

40 Performance Management
Performance Appraisal A process of systematically evaluating performance and providing feedback upon which performance adjustments can be made. Performance appraisal should be based on job analysis, job description, and job specifications.

41 Types of Performance Appraisal
Informal Performance Appraisal: “The process of continually feeding back to subordinates information regarding their work performance” Formal Performance Appraisal: “A formalized appraisal process for rating work performance, identifying deserving raises or promotions, and identifying those in need of further training”.

42 Graphic Rating Scale Written Essays Critical Incidents 360 Degree
Feedback Multiperson Comparisons BARS Behavioral Anchored Rating Scales Performance Appraisal Methods

43 Performance Management (conclusion)
To be meaningful, an appraisal system must be: Reliable — provide consistent results across time. Valid — actually measure people on relevant job content. Measurement errors can threaten the reliability or validity of performance appraisals.

44 Practical implementation
Mobilink (An Orascom subsidiary)

45 Orascom telecom Orascom Telecom Holding S.A.E. or OTH is part of the Orascom group of companies Established in 1976 Distribute IT and telecom equipments in Egypt It represents Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, Compaq, IBM, Lucent Technologies (AT&T), Oracle and Novell.

46 Conti… In April 2000, OTH purchased a 38.6% stake in PMCL- Mobilink in Pakistan Have operations is Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, CAR, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Iraq and Niger In August 2001, OTH acquired a further 20% stake in PMCL and increased its ownership to 88.69% PMCL==PAKISTAN MOBILE COMMUNICATION PVT LIMITED

47 Conti… In July 2004, OTH agreed to renew the license of its Pakistani GSM subsidiary, Mobilink, for another 15 years to begin after the expiration of its current license in July 2007 and ending in July 2022 Also started working in Bangladesh with the name “Banglalink”

48 Vision To become one of the world’s leading GSM operators providing the best quality services to our customers, value to our shareholders and a dynamic, challenging and fun environment for our employees

49 Mission statement Our mission is to satisfy all communication needs of the developing markets which we serve. It is our belief that there is viable economic model to serve emerging markets while availing affordable quality. We are racing to serve the largest possible number of customers, covering the most populous countries in the world. We believe that by positioning ourselves as the primary provider of communication services, we are shaping the future of the markets we serve

50 Mobilink Farhan Karim

51 Mobilink GSM

52 Mobilink GSM Our group will be explaining the Human resource management of the company Mobilink GSM company originated in 1994 which provides the best cellular services within Pakistan. Mobilink has a very well defined and structured department and its various policies of keeping each employee productive part of the organization are intoned with the corporate worlds requirement. Employees in the company are largely committed to their organization and have shown progress in the company. Employees are satisfied with the HR department of Mobilink GSM Company.

53 Conti … Mobilink Vision To be the leading Telecommunication Services Provider in Pakistan by offering innovative Communication solutions for our Customers while exceeding Shareholder value & Employee Expectations. Mobilink..Reshaping lives!

54 Conti… Shareholder Structure
Orascom Telecom Holding SAE % Rayshield Investment Ltd % Total Number of Subscribers 17,131,860 Prepaid 13,788, Postpaid 343,389

55 Conti… Market Share 55.4% Geographical Coverage 1000 cities
Products Prepaid: Jazz Postpaid: Indigo

56 Management Zouhair Abdul Khailq President and CEO

57 Ali Raza Mehdi (Vice President Administration and Human Resource Management)

58 Human Resource Mgmt. At Mobilink, their belief is that "Our people are our greatest asset”. We take great pride in acknowledging the contribution each one of us makes". They focus on People Development and for that they ensure: Staff Mobilink with world class Professionals and ensure that the right systems are in place to encourage them to develop to their full potential Create a collaborative and mutually supportive work environment that encourages people to grow

59 Cont … Build a team of professionals who deliver expertise by participating in business decisions Develop Performance Management and reward systems underlying our Business strategy

60 Achievements ISO 9002 Quality Management System Certification for Billing, Engineering Departments and CS Contact Center Implementation of a full Intelligent Network (IN) platform from Siemens for the Prepaid platform Largest Call Center in Pakistan, which is there to assist the customers 24 hours Only cellular service in Pakistan to provide coverage on the M2 motorway Bilateral roaming in over 100 countries around the world with true international roaming with over 300 operators across the globe

61 Cont … First mobile operator in Pakistan to offer extensive GPRS Roaming and BlackBerry Roaming services MOBILINK GSM's Short Message Service Center allows Vehicle Tracking and Fleet Management services that are being provided by Tracker (Pvt.) Ltd., under the brand name of C-Track, a company licensed by Pakistan Telecom Authority (PTA). Tracker currently operates from Karachi but can provide these facilities at all those locations where GSM coverage is available

62 Corporate Social Responsibility
Helping Pakistan for a better tomorrow Mobilink is a long standing believer in giving a portion of its revenues for charitable causes and is making efforts for brining about a positive social change for the underprivileged. It has been actively involved in providing regular donations to Shaukat Khanam Memorial Cancer Research Hospital Mobilink also supports other organizations such as the Khidmat Foundation, Umeed-e-noor, and PIMS Children Hospital Islamabad, in making lives of millions in Pakistan more comfortable.

63 Cont … Educating the Youth
High quality education is the right of every Pakistani.Mobilink has decided to help out those deserving students or organizations however it can. Keeping the above necessity in mind, Mobilink has offered various donations to numerous educational institutes. This includes donating 50 computers to the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Donating Rs. 100,000 to Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences to set up a computer lab, and by sponsoring the commemorative ceremony for the golden jubilee of cadet College Hasanabdal.

64 Cont … Cultivating the Community
Respecting and protecting the environment we live in, is a job we must all do together. The only way to combat poverty is to transform the less fortunate into productive members of the society. Mobilink has taken steps to alleviate poverty while protecting and beautifying the environment by collaborating with Khushhali Bank to empower villagers to own personal mobile phones through micro-financing. Mobilink was also the official sponsor of the second Human Resource Development Congress held in October 2004.

65 Cont … Encouraging Arts
Each culture is best defined by an artistic expression. To preserve and cultivate art is a necessity that should be partaken more often in Pakistan . Mobilink has taken the lead in doing so in many different ways The World Performing Arts Festival was held in Lahore on the 18 of November The event had artists performing from all continents The company not only supported the organizers to put up a fine display of world-class performances but also helped in portraying a positive image of Pakistan to the world Mobilink has encouraged arts further by having the JAZZ IM Awards, battle of the bands, and by sponsoring the Indus Music Top Ten television Show.

66 Cont … Playing the Sport
As a nation, people of Pakistan are very passionate about their sports. Patriotism runs high in various sports such as cricket and hockey. Mobilink, with its finger always on the pulse of the nation, actively sponsors sporting events and sports up-gradation programs.

67 Career development at Mobilink
Kamran Ashraf Gill

68 Career Development In Mobilink GSM____
Mobilink GSM supports the development of its employee’s skills and abilities with an aim to achieve their potential They use a questionnaire prepared by “Thomas International” They evaluate employee on the basis of questionnaire and then decide either he needs training or not They assign him/her jobs according to that

69 Thomas international (Making People Profitable )
Their aptitude and ability tests analyse people’s behavioural style at work, identify their strengths and limitations and help measure their mental agility Presence in over 55 countries Behavioural assessments are available in over 50 different languages Agility===alertness, awareness

70 Application Their tests have many applications including
Recruitment and retention Personal and organizational development Succession planning Coaching Team building Career planning Appraisal and training

71 Procedures for Career Development In Mobilink GSM
All vacancies for Positions of grade level “Assistant Manager” and above are announced internally or displayed on notice board. One year experience of work in Mobilink company Selected person ensure to meet all requirements and will join the new job after getting clearance from department head for probation period.

72 Procedures for Career Development In Mobilink GSM (continued)
Performance appraisal System provides basis for decisions regarding confirmation, promotion and annual increment of Mobilink. Results of performance appraisal is increments, salary adjustments and promotions showing the last three years inclination of company after obtaining approval from the president

73 Conti… The human resource department conducts a meeting with department heads at the end of the training program. The purpose of this meting is to focus on the individual discipline and performance during the training program. Then on the basis of their performance they give them advance jobs. They fill every position vacancy with the best qualified person obtained. They prefer their own employees and go outside only when fully qualified person is not obtainable.

74 Example Nida Asrar Khan ( Regional Assistant Manager)
Working since a year Thinks that with the passage of time she gains experience With training she can polish her skills

75 Planning Procedures Of
At Mobilink, our belief is that "Our people are our greatest asset”. We take great pride in acknowledging the contribution each one of us makes. We focus on People Development and for that we ensure: Staff Mobilink with world class Professionals and ensure that the right systems are in place to encourage them to develop to their full potential. Create a collaborative and mutually supportive work environment that encourages people to grow. Build a team of professionals who deliver expertise by participating in business decisions. Develop Performance Management and reward systems underlying our Business strategy. We aim at making Mobilink a great place to work

76 Performance Mgmt. in Mobilink GSM
PMCL provide a formal review program to evaluate work performance and to promote communication and discussion of job performance w.r.t. past performance at Mobilink

77 Performance Management in Mobilink GSM (continued)
Mobilink asses the employee on: Leadership. Communication skills. Team work and Co-operation. Problem solving & decision making. Initiative and drive. Flexibility. Customer focus.

78 Performance Management in Mobilink GSM (continued)
Performance appraisal is done on an annual basis (from January 1st to December 31st) To give a chance to subordinates to evaluate their seniors a 360 degree evaluation is conducted at the tome of the performance evaluation. The immediate supervisor prepares an annual report in December of each year of each employee Increments are also given at the end of the year ,increments are percentage of salaries. Promotions is given on good performance after completing two years in the current grade. Bonuses are given but the employee must have to complete 6 months in the company service.

79 Current Issues Of HRM in
Following are some issues of HRM in Mobilink The timing although is 9 am to 5 pm, but it is adhered to as the normal employee leaves his office not before 6 am. The hierarchy chart shows 3 HR managers/ coordinators for Islamabad, here as only 1 fore Lahore. This can be unjustified keeping in view that a large number of employee work in Lahore. Moblink has a formal environment which can be changed to more relax and friendly environment

80 A court case Company’s chairman Javed Saifullah Khan terminated the services of CEO Al F Barry Result was differences over the chairmanship of Mr Khan between Orascom Telecom and Rayshields Investments Limited Barry had filed a complaint with Kohsar police station alleging that the chairman had been responsible for an attempt on his life last month

81 Conti… Rifat Jabin filed an application on behalf of Mr Barry saying the chairman had no authority to terminate his services Brigadier Fazl Rehman against Mr Barry, in which he accused the former CEO of threatening Mobilink employees

82 Conclusion Importance of HRM HRM process Career development
Career planning Career counseling Career path Performance appraisal method Mobilink Current issues

83 Any questions?

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