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4/8: No bellwork today! Get out your Russian Revolution worksheet – I will collect them shortly. Be ready to discuss  Causes and effects of the Russian.

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Presentation on theme: "4/8: No bellwork today! Get out your Russian Revolution worksheet – I will collect them shortly. Be ready to discuss  Causes and effects of the Russian."— Presentation transcript:

1 4/8: No bellwork today! Get out your Russian Revolution worksheet – I will collect them shortly. Be ready to discuss  Causes and effects of the Russian Revolution. Why do you think Russians found communism appealing at the time?

2 Russian POW’s after being captured by Germany
Russia & WWI Against counsel and advisor’s suggestions, Nicholas II mobilized for war in July 1914 Germany asked Russia to reconsider three times Mobilized 3.1M men, but in every other aspect, Russia was unprepared for war: Lack of advanced transportation system Long distance to front (800 miles) Russian industry was too small to equip the massive army Reserves of ammunition were small Short on guns, motorized transports, boots War of attrition in East = huge death toll 1915: Nicholas II took over as commander of troops; disconnected Relied on advice from Rasputin War effort caused Nicholas to ignore domestic problems = massive revolts & strikes Russian POW’s after being captured by Germany


4 Russian Revolution – change of power & government
Czar Nicholas II Autocracy Vladimir Lenin Communism

5 Collapse of the Central Powers and German Surrender
The End of WWI Collapse of the Central Powers and German Surrender

6 Towards the End of War British blockade was starving Germany
British began using tanks American convoy system shut down U-boat attacks Treaty of Brest-Litovsk: March 3, 1918; Russia makes peace with Central Powers; loses territory of Poland, Finland, and Baltic states. Both sides became fearful of revolutions spreading throughout Europe.

7 U.S. Convoy System A convoy is a group of vehicles (usually motor vehicles or ships) traveling together for mutual support and protection. Often, a convoy is organized with armed defensive support.




11 Ending the War Allied powers launch huge offensive on August 8, 1918
The Central Powers began to collapse under constant Allied attacks. Germany’s allies, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire made peace with the Allied Powers. Separate states began declaring their independence from Austria-Hungary.


13 End of WWI 11/3/1918: Berlin is occupied by Allied powers
11/11/1918: Germany surrenders Leader steps down and a provisional government is established

14 End of WWI Extremely high death toll…… why?
At the Paris Peace Conference in January 1919, the Allied leaders signed the Versailles Treaty.

15 World War I Project

16 The Big Four Why might they have differing goals post-war?
David Lloyd George (Great Britain) Vittorio Orlando (Italy) Woodrow Wilson (US) Georges Clemenceau (France)

17 The Big Four at Versailles in 1919

18 11 new countries created 18

19 Creation of the League of Nations
Worldwide organization aimed at ensuring security and peace for all its members. Based off of Wilson’s 14 points for peace (called for an end to alliances)

20 What were the terms under the Treaty of Versailles?
With Germany’s armed forces: The German army was to be reduced to 100,000 men. It was not allowed to have tanks. Germany was not allowed to have an air force The German navy was to have no submarines or large battle-ships The Rhineland was to be de-militarized.

21 100,000 De-militarised The Military Clauses 21

22 22

23 Territorial Losses Germany lost ALL of her overseas colonies
Alsace-Lorraine was given to France 23

The War Guilt Clause "The Allied and Associated Governments affirm, and Germany accepts, the responsibility of Germany and her Allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associate Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of a war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her Allies." (Article 231) GERMANY ACCEPTED RESPONSIBILITY FOR STARTING THE WAR 24

25 REPARATIONS Germany agreed to pay for the damage caused by her armies during the war. The sum she had to pay was later fixed at $31.4 billion! ($389 billion in 2013) 25

26 Germany was forbidden to unite with Austria

27 Make a prediction….. How do you think German citizens responded to the Treaty? Most Germans believed that the War Guilt Clause was unjustified. The French and British had done just as much to start the war The loss of territory and population angered most Germans who believed that the losses were too severe. Many felt this would cripple the economy














41 WWI Timeline Events Europeans colonizing Africa (imperialism)
Collapse of Ottoman/Austria-Hungarian empire Germany expands navy (militarism) Treaty of Versailles Formation of the Triple Alliance & Triple Entente Austria-Hungary declares war Lenin establishes communist control U.S. declares War First signs of a stalemate Zimmerman Note The use of the Schlieffen Plan Russia overthrows Czar Nicholas and establishes Provisional government Russia breaks into Civil War Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand Russia declares war Germany surrenders Austria-Hungary annexes Slavic territory (nationalism) Sinking of the Lusitania

42 Old BW List four problems Russia faced during WWI.
What was the outcome of the March Revolution? Who was Vladimir Lenin? What did he promise the Russian people? What was the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk? THINKER: Why do you think Russians found communism appealing at the time?


44 “Freedom in a capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in ancient Rome; freedom for slave owners.”

45 The Treaty of Versailles (June 1919)
We are now going to take a closer look at the implications of the Treaty of Versailles. As I go through the powerpoint, take notes on: What each country wanted from the Treaty Everything Germany had to do Be ready to discuss!

46 What did France Want? Security Revenge Reparations
Germany should pay for the damage caused by invasion! Clemenceau wanted to make sure that Germany could not invade France in the future.

47 What did Britain Want? Publically, Lloyd-George said he wanted to punish the Germans. The British public was very anti-German at the end of the war. Privately, he realized that Britain needed Germany to recover because she was an important trading partner. He was also worried about the “disease from the east…….”, communism. Lloyd-George believed that the spread of communism had to be stopped. A strong Germany would be a barrier against it.

48 What did America want? Wilson wanted an international organization to protect peace He believed Germany should be punished, but not severely. He wanted a fair settlement that would not leave Germany feeling resentful The American public did not support him. They were fed up with involvement in European affairs. The USA became more isolationist.

49 Discussion What would Italy want out of the Treaty?
Which countries were left out of the Treaty of Versailles? Why? Do you think all countries should have been included, even if they were on the losing side? Do you think the losing side should be punished for their acts/crimes during the war? How could this lead to future problems?

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