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Getting More Arrowmen to Push the Button

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1 Getting More Arrowmen to Push the Button
Member Activation Getting More Arrowmen to Push the Button

2 Welcome and Introductions
Let’s get to know one another! Tell the group: Name Lodge How long have you been in the OA? What was your first lodge event?

3 What is Activation? Definition: When an Arrowman attends their first OA event after their ordeal Examples: Chapter Meeting Lodge Fellowship Winter Banquet Section Conclave NOAC

4 Why is this happening?!? Defining the Problem
Current decline rate in the OA – 18% Current Activation rate in the OA – 10% - 20% Why is this happening?!?

5 How Do we Solve the Problem?
In small groups: Come up with 2-3 solutions for the problems we ranked as the top 3 barriers to activation. Start with vague solutions then get more specific.

6 Lets Share some Best Practices!

7 Best Practice1: New Member Party/Festival
This event is meant to happen right after the Ordeal ceremony and is a way to show the new Ordeal members that there is more than just work and scant food. It is also a way to show appreciation for their work over the Ordeal process and also their future service to the lodge.

8 Best Practice 2: New Member Dinner
This event is meant to be held after the induction weekend and is only open to the newly inducted Ordeal members. This is an opportunity for the LEC to network and get to know the new ordeal members and try to get them involved in the lodge in some function. This is also an opportune time to explain the symbolism of the ceremony they experienced.

9 Time to set some SMART Goals
Write down 3 SMART Goals that pertain to you helping your lodge increase its Activation rate. Specific Measurable Actionable Relevant Time Bound

10 Push the button and get activated!!
THANK YOU!! Push the button and get activated!!

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