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Mathematics is the music of reason. --James Joseph Sylvester

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1 Mathematics is the music of reason. --James Joseph Sylvester

2 Questioning to Add Depth
UMI – July 12, 2017

3 Questioning to Increase Depth
Students tend to read and think based on the kinds of questions they anticipate receiving from the teacher. Students who are given questions based on higher levels of thinking will tend to think more creatively and divergently. 7/12/2017

4 QUESTIONING The goal of classroom questioning is to guide students to help them learn necessary information and material. Questions should be used to teach students. Questions (many of them) should be sufficiently open to accommodate diverse interests and learning styles. AH.7/12/2017

5 Questioning – Share in Your Group
Within your group or with a partner, share a couple of the strategies you use in your classroom to engage students through questioning. What questioning strategies do you use to deepen the students’ understanding? 7/12/2017

6 Suggestions for Developing Questions which Increase Depth of Knowledge
Model thinking explicitly – Some students just don’t understand the method for thinking more deeply, asking oneself deeper questions. Use graphic organizers – Use notetaking guides and graphic organizers to help students know what to expect during the lesson. Questions and agendas can also help students know what to expect and be on the alert. Differentiate questions as appropriate to assure inclusion of all students. 7/12/2017

7 Questioning Strategies that Encourage a Deeper Level of Thinking
Require students to manipulate prior information – Why do you suppose….? What can you conclude from…? Ask students to restate a solution, definition or an idea in their own words Involve students in observing or describing an event or object… What do you notice? Tell me about this. What do you see? Ask students to compare or contrast. 7/12/2017

8 Questioning for a Deeper Understanding
Which questions develop a deeper understanding? How could the ones that don’t be changed to encourage students to think deeper? 1. Can you name the numerator and the denominator? 2. Describe a model that you might use to represent a Venn Diagram 2. What is the meaning of additive inverse? 3. What is the difference between a rational number and an irrational number? 4. What is another strategy that could be used to solve this problem? 5. Can you defend your solution to this problem? How? 7/12/2017

9 Questioning Guides Require students to defend their answers.
Promote examination of new and different perspectives. Use wait time after a question to keep all involved. Don’t forget to pose questions toward the end of the teaching session to identify specific areas for additional learning opportunities. Handle incomplete answers by reinforcing what is correct and then asking probing questions. Use pre-planned and emerging questions. So, what are those pre-planned questions for math and problem solving? 7/12/2017

10 Preplanned Questions 1. How do you know that? 2. How did you do that?
3. Can you tell me more? 4. Why do you think this? 5. Is there another way to do the problem? 6. How did drawing the picture make it less complicated/help? 7. What did you do first/What do you think you should do first? 8. What strategies are you using or going to use? 9. Could you go to another group or to a partner and explain to them what you did? Or, would you explain your method/thought process to ….? 10. What do you think “insert child’s name” was thinking as he/she worked this problem? 7/12/2017

11 Try Not to Ask… How many of you understood that?
Did everybody see that? Do you want me to go over that again? Did I go too fast for you? Right? 7/12/2017

12 References questions-blooms-taxonomy 7/12/2017

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