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Vietnam War Pt 1 The Origins of the War.

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1 Vietnam War Pt 1 The Origins of the War

2 Background Before WWII- Vietnam was French colony (called Indochina) in SOUTHEAST ASIA Japan took Vietnam during WWII; after WWII Vietnam declared independence France tried to come back and take over again- led to fight US helped France; France loses- Vietnam is independent; signs the Geneva Accords


4 Vietnam Divided Geneva Accords divided into two parts (but not separate countries) North and South North- communist; led by Ho Chi Minh Supported by Soviets and China South supported by US; led by Ngo Dinh Diem Dictator; unpopular, cruel, oppressive- but NOT COMMUNIST

5 Vietnam Divided Vietnam supposed have elections in 1956 to choose one government and reunite Diem (South) refused to participate b/c didn’t think it would be fair- didn’t want to lose to communists Leads to conflict between North and South- US will get involved

6 Domino Theory Back in the US, Pres. Eisenhower worried about Vietnam becoming communist Domino Theory- Thought if one country fell to communism, then others would follow Like a row of dominoes US will support the South to prevent the spread of communism = containment

7 Vietcong- communists in South Vietnam who got support from North Vietnam to start guerilla war- this is who the US was fighting against Viet Minh- North Vietnamese communists who supported the Vietcong They wanted to make the South communist

8 How was the Domino Theory connected to US involvement in the Vietnam War?

9 US Involvement 1960 -US sent hundreds of “military advisors” to stop the spread of communism Troops were sent to help “train and coordinate” military of another country But actually fought against Vietcong and Viet Minh Kennedy increased number of “advisors”- so more US troops fighting in Vietnam

10 US Involvement LBJ escalated conflict- sent more troops and weapons
Thought loss in Vietnam would humiliate US and spread communism Still had not officially declared war- we were just “helping”

11 JFK’s presidency LBJ’s presidency

12 How do you think the rest of the world viewed US involvement in Vietnam?

13 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
LBJ announced that N Vietnamese ships attacked US ships in the Gulf of Tonkin LBJ claimed they were in international water- so it was an aggressive action from North Vietnam

14 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Congress voted and passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Gave the president full military powers to stop aggression from an enemy without the approval of Congress Allowed Pres to use US forces without formal declaration of war Called a Police Action- military activity directed from Pres. without declaration of war

15 LBJ claims US ships attacked in international waters
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution President can use troops without a formal declaration of war Change in the balance of power between Congress and Pres. Gave President/ Executive branch more power over Congress/ Legislative branch LBJ sends more troops to Vietnam to fight- not just “advisors” anymore- escalated US involvement in the conflict

16 How did the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution change the balance of power between Congress and the President?

17 STAAR Practice

18 STAAR Practice

19 Big Idea Why did the United States get involved in the Vietnam War?

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