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Strategies for a Successful School Year Saturday, September 10, 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Strategies for a Successful School Year Saturday, September 10, 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategies for a Successful School Year Saturday, September 10, 2016
Presented by: Robin C. Letendre, M.Ed Statewide LD Consultant Statewide PD Coordinator

2 7:45am-7:50am Welcome, explain how the workshop session will work with modeling of new strategies and techniques

3 7:50am-8:05am Teacher Perceptions of Students/Pass the Plate Strategy Pass the Plate strategy can be used as a pre or post assessment as well as to activate prior knowledge.

4 8:05am-8:10am Read article, silent or aloud? Group vote

5 8:10am-8:20am Muddiest Point Technique
Muddiest Point Technique can be done either orally or in writing, students explain which concepts are most difficult to understand and why. Useful for ascertaining which fundamental course or curricular concepts need the most attention Extra idea: sharing within class….have the teacher choose a card. Anyone higher or lower (decide after cards are out and your card has not been shown yet) has to share their thought . This is done beforehand so students can prepare their work.

6 8:20am-8:30am The One-Sentence Summary
The One-Sentence Summary can be used when there is a given a topic, students answer the question “Who does what to whom, when, where, how, and why?” in a single sentence. Useful for determining how well students have understood and synthesized new information Extra idea: Using a graphic organizer with a circle in the center and having lines coming from its center is helpful in getting all the points completed. When all points have been completed, the sentence can be entered in the center spot. Extra idea: call out a number. Have students roll their dice. If they roll the called number, they have to share their one-sentence summary. This is done beforehand so students can prepare their work.

7 8:30am-8:40am Application Cards
Application Cards are to be used after exposure to a new concept, students write about one possible application of the concept. Useful for measuring students’ strategic thinking abilities and their ability to transfer learned skills to new contexts Extra idea: use this as a “ticket out the door” strategy to get students to think about what happened in class and to provide you with a starting point at the next class. Closing idea: use application cards as an introduction to the next class by posing application cards as “last class’ headlines”. This will be a great way to review what happened in the previous class and fill in any blanks for those that were not there.

8 8:40am-8:45am Evaluation and PD certificate

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