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C++ Final Presentation.

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1 C++ Final Presentation

2 Topics Splash Page Sandbox Backend Parser Code Generation
User Interface (Instructor,Account, Student) Documentation

3 Splash Page Login to web application Create an account
User logs in with and password A php session is created for that user Create an account A user can create a new account by inputting their , password, first name, and last name. Passwords are hashed using bcrypt

4 Sandbox Drag'n'Drop zone AJAX control panel output box
Line highlighting Variable box updates

5 Sandbox . Drag ' n ' Drop HTML Element Based Javascript enabled
<script type-"text/javascript"> //setup the listeners on the page to be used for drag'n'drop var dropZone = document.getElementById('drop_zone'); dropZone.addEventListener('dragover', handleDragOver, false); dropZone.addEventListener('drop', handleFileSelect, false); </script> //This function handles the file that is dropped in the box function handleFileSelect(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); //to stop browsers' default action evt.preventDefault(); //to stop browsers' default action var files = evt.dataTransfer.files; // FileList object. for (var i = 0, f; f = files[i]; i++) { var r = new FileReader(); r.onload = function(e){ document.getElementById('userCode').value =; } r.readAsText(f);

6 Sandbox . AJAX control panel
AJAX call to CGI scripts for execution Run activates after compile Javascript monitors keypress Forces compiling upon changes Simple debugger control

7 Sandbox . Output box Contains messages from backend
Gives simplified version of debugger output Acts as if it's a modified stdout

8 Sandbox . Line Highlighting
Small jQuery code adds divs with line #'s to textarea tweaked Javascript to allow for highlighting Made CSS class to show highlighted line Changed the HTML class/id of divs to show current line Client side parsing of gdb output calls function below, passes in the line number

9 Sandbox . Variable Box Box to show program variables and values
Updates based upon Next and Step button gdb output is parsed on backend JSON object returned with variables:values Basic HTML table innerHTML replaced any time a button is pressed

10 Backend Components gdbthinclient.cgi
srvThread gdbthinclient.cgi genCPP.cgi runprog.cgi

11 Backend .
Multithreaded socket server receives requests from gdbthinclient over socket spawns new thread of srvThread class for each connection srvThread class communicates with gdb instance through Web srvThread Request Request srvThread

12 Backend . gdbthinclient.cgi
cgi script called when button is pressed on Sandbox.php Button press corresponds to command sent to and from there to gdb returns results of gdb command in JSON object via AJAX Web gdbthinclient.cgi

13 Backend . Wraps gdb to provide communication between front end website and gdb instance Sends commands to gdb and reads output Utilizes asynchronous I/O through the asynchRead class to read the output gdb

14 Backend . genCPP.cgi Simple script to generate the C++ file
Takes code from HTML textarea, writes to file named /temp/prog_user.cpp Calls g++ command on file, saves executable name /temp/compiledfrompython_user Uses pipe and JSON to send return output

15 Backend . runprog.cgi Similar to genCPP.cgi, calls command to simply execute the file Runs file based on username ex [ ./ compiledfrompython_csmith1 ] Only active after Compile is pressed (or no changes)

16 Parser Pull XML from database Pull information out of XML MySQLdb
save XML in temp directory on server Pull information out of XML stores information in list objects search objects based on 'rbid' attribute

17 Code Generation ElementTree Trace XML
build order of calls each element has logic for generating code ex) var, else, functioncall

18 User Interface Student Instructor Account
For the student to answer assignments Instructor For the instructor to manage assignments, courses, and questions Account For the user to change account settings

19 User Interface .Account
The user can change the password Must enter existing password Must enter the new password twice The user can change their name First and last name The user can change login Must be unique

20 User Interface .Instructor
Courses can be added,edited and deleted Assignments can be added,edited and deleted Questions can be added,edited and deleted

21 User Interface .Student
Students can answer assignments that are assigned to them Students can update them after they are answered also The assignments display on the sidebar on the assignments page.

22 Questions?

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