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Social Media: Sharing Images

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1 Social Media: Sharing Images
I recognise that power can exist within relationships and can be used positively as well as negatively. HWB 3-45a I know that popular culture, the media and peer pressure can influence how I feel about myself and the impact this may have on my actions. HWB3-46b I know where to get support and help with situations involving abuse and I understand that there are laws which protect me from different kinds of abuse. HWB3-49b

2 SEXTING AND THE LAW The law says it is an offence to:
To take, distribute or have in your possession an indecent image of a child under the age of 18. To observe, record or distribute images of a person doing a private act, including nudity and in underwear, without their consent. To send a message which is grossly offensive or indecent, obscene or menacing character. To make someone else look at a sexual image without their consent. To make someone else see written sexual communication or hear verbal sexual communication without their consent. To publish any statement relating to a person or purporting to originate from that person or from any other person, that causes them to feel fear or alarm (this is part of the law on stalking).

Don’t show anyone. Don’t forward it on, you will then be breaking the law. Don’t use it for revenge or to be mean to someone you are angry with. Don’t feel you have to respond, you can ignore it. Delete it. Block the person who sent you it. If the person sending you things is older or putting pressure on you to send images, then talk to someone about it.

4 IF YOU HAVE SHARED A PHOTO OR IMAGE OF YOURSELF YOU PROBABLY REGRET IT AND YOU ARE UPSET, SO HERE’S WHAT TO DO NOW: Tell your parent/carer – this will be tough, but they will find out, best to hear from you and then they can help you make things better. Report it to the school – they will help find who is sharing and stop them. Tell the whole story - what is happening to you is wrong and whoever is sharing needs to be stopped. Wherever your image is being shared on social media, report it and ask the administrator to remove all traces of it. If you don’t know how to do this, get help from family or school. You made a mistake, it will get better.

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