Immunoblot analysis of GpGCS1 expression in strains K41 (mating-type plus) and K34 (mating-type minus). Immunoblot analysis of GpGCS1 expression in strains.

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1 Immunoblot analysis of GpGCS1 expression in strains K41 (mating-type plus) and K34 (mating-type minus). Immunoblot analysis of GpGCS1 expression in strains K41 (mating-type plus) and K34 (mating-type minus). (A) Gamete-specific, minus-enhanced expression of GpGCS1. Total protein from each sample was subjected to SDS-PAGE, blotted, and probed with anti-GpGCS1 antibody. CBB staining of a duplicate gel shows equal protein loading in each lane. (B) plus-specific degradation of GpGCS1 in activated gametes. plus or minus gametes from the same culture were harvested before and after incubation with db-cAMP and IBMX for the indicated times and subjected to immunoblot analysis as described for panel A. Hiroko Kawai-Toyooka et al. Eukaryotic Cell 2014; doi: /EC

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