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1 1

2 Phrases nap with a cap Ram by the dam hag with a wax

3 Phrases rag and wax hag with a ram Pat the cat

4 Phrases bag with a tag a can and a pan a sad dad

5 Phrases tag of a bag nab the pad yam and jam

6 Tap the cap on the map Take a nap on my lap Put the tar on the bar
Rhyme Tap the cap on the map Take a nap on my lap Put the tar on the bar See the car from a far

7 Let the hag wag and nag Get the tag from the bag Give Pam ham and yam
Rhyme Let the hag wag and nag Get the tag from the bag Give Pam ham and yam

8 1 Word Families bed fed wed set bet net met let wet

9 Word Families peg meg den ten pen yen fem rem hem

10 Word Families red led Ted pet get jet beg keg leg

11 Word Families fen hen men web neb deb Jem

12 Phrases a red hen hen in the net get a net

13 Phrases ten pens set the bed pet of Ted

14 Sentences A hen in the fem. The bed is red. Her pet is a hen.

15 Sentences Ted is on the bed. Meg has a red pet. Ped is wet.

16 2 Word Families bin pix rid fit rig tin rib rim hit

17 Word Families jib bim sit six lid bib gig win wig

18 Word Families jig fin nib did fin big hip pit fig

19 Word Families bid lit dim tip fix hid pin pig lip

20 Word Families sin dig sip kit him mix kid

21 Phrases a big pig Tim and Jim hit the fin

22 Phrases dig a pit dip and sip tin and bin

23 Sentences The bib is for baby. I have ribs. The tin is big.

24 Sentences I see six pig. Fix this wings. Jim is a girl.

25 3 Word Families cot cod dot Hop Bog mop cob toy gob

26 Word Families God lot pod jog pop log boy job soy

27 Word Families pot rod got cop hog sop lob joy nob

28 Word Families sod not fog dog lop Roy hoy nod

29 Phrases got a toy a boy dog in the fog

30 Phrases on the leg has a toy

31 Roy has a toy. He jogs in the fog. The fox has a cob.
Sentences He jogs in the fog. The boy sits on a log. Roy has a toy. The fox has a cob.

32 4 Word Families hug cub hub fun cud mud but mum hum

33 Word Families dub tug rug bud gun run rum nut hut

34 Word Families mug pub sub dud sun gum cut sum bug

35 Word Families jug rub bun nun bum pun gut dug jut

36 Do not rub the bud. The bud in the tub. The tub is full of suds.
Sentences The cub sit on the mud. Do not rub the bud. The bud in the tub. The tub is full of suds.

37 4 Long a sounds. mate date lame date male name late game same

38 Long a sounds. lake pale cane make bake lane cake sale pane

39 Long a sounds. cage vane made page tale ape age wage cape

40 Jake takes the ape to the lake.
Sentences Jake takes the ape to the lake. Kate bakes a cake.

41 Rene is late for his game.
Sentences Rene is late for his game.

42 Long e sounds. seal dear eagle east neat beat ear meat feed

43 Long e sounds. real leaf seed weed reel feel see heal leaves

44 Long e sounds. seat peel dear heat feet teeth

45 Phrases feel the heat hear the beat

46 Phrases feed the eagle the seed of weed

47 Phrases The heels of the feet a neat seat

48 There’s a seed on the seat.
Sentences The seal feeds on meet. There’s a seed on the seat.

49 The eagles fly to the east.
Sentences The leaves are green. The eagles fly to the east.

50 Long i sounds. fine dine dike hide Mice line wide time ripe

51 Long i sounds. bike five ride bite nice tide nine kite side

52 Phrases five nice mice a wide dike

53 Phrases time to dine a rice ride

54 Phrases dine with wine ride a bake

55 Phrases fly nine kites hide the dice

56 The five nice mice will ride a bike.
Sentences The five nice mice will ride a bike. It’s time to dine after five.

57 We saw a wild duck. We will fly nine kites in the country side.
Sentences We will fly nine kites in the country side. We saw a wild duck.

58 We will fly nine kites in the countryside.
Sentences We will fly nine kites in the countryside. Mike had a nice day.

59 Long o sounds. woke go alone code so close joke rode bone

60 Long o sounds. rope cone note stove home tone hope more vote

61 Phrases the dog’s bone an ice cream cone

62 Phrases rode to a cove poke with a pole

63 Don’t drop the ice cream cone.
Sentences I gave my dog a bone. Don’t drop the ice cream cone.

64 We rode to the cove. It was fun!
Sentences Use the cone to open the door. We rode to the cove. It was fun!

65 Poke him with the pole, so he can move.
Sentences Poke him with the pole, so he can move.

66 Long u sounds. huge pure muse cube sure use tube fuse sugar

67 Long u sounds. tune amuse mute excuse cure cute

68 Phrases tune of the piano pure sugar

69 Phrases the huge cube excuse letter

70 Phrases clear utensils

71 The tune of a piano makes me sad.
Sentences The tune of a piano makes me sad.

72 Pure sugar is really sweet.
Sentences Pure sugar is really sweet.

73 The teacher signed the excuse letter.
Sentences The teacher signed the excuse letter.

74 The huge cube fell from the roof.
Sentences The huge cube fell from the roof.

75 The goat and the Soap Joan had a boat Her boat could float. Her boat had some rope. The rope had some soap.

76 Her goat had a dirty coat. She needed her soap,
Joan also had a goat. Her goat had a dirty coat. She needed her soap, So she could wash her goat. She needed the soap on a rope.

77 Greg Gets Good Grades Greg got a good grade He showed his grandparents
They give him a great new toy He was grateful.

78 She grabs grass. She grabs grapes, too! Gretchen grabs green stuff.
She grabs grasshoppers. She grabs grass. She grabs grapes, too!

79 Mike is not a shy guy about pie He like pie with ice cream piled high
The Pie Guy Mike is not a shy guy about pie He like pie with ice cream piled high

80 He likes it with whipped cream up the sky!
He even likes to take all my pie.

81 He would not do as he was told
Donald and Gerald Donald was not very old He would not do as he was told

82 He went outside and got so cold He went inside for mom to scold.

83 Gerald was in a field of gold He had some flowers, marigolds.

84 He got as many as he could hold At the market they were sold.



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