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Enhancing Junior Doctors Lives Neurodiversity & Supporting Trainees

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Presentation on theme: "Enhancing Junior Doctors Lives Neurodiversity & Supporting Trainees"— Presentation transcript:

1 Enhancing Junior Doctors Lives Neurodiversity & Supporting Trainees
Carla O’Brien Neurodiversity and Study Support provider 22nd June 2018

2 ?

3 ?

4 DCD (Dyspraxia) Fine/gross motor skills Organisation Time management Dyslexia Reading Auditory memory Organisation Time management Dyscalculia Numbers and maths concepts Autistic Spectrum Disorder Social communication Highly focused interests Sensory sensitivity ADHD Distractibility Impulsiveness Restlessness Hyperfocus Tourette’s ‘tics’ Hyper-arousal leading to lack of sleep

5 Neurodiversity and study skills support provider
Carla O’Brien Neurodiversity and study skills support provider

6 DCD (Dyspraxia) Fine/gross motor skills Organisation Time management Dyslexia Reading memory Organisation Time management Dyscalculia Numbers and maths concepts Autistic Spectrum Disorder Social communication Highly focused interests Sensory sensitivity ADHD Distractibility Impulsiveness Restlessness Hyperfocus Tourette’s ‘tics’ Hyper-arousal leading to lack of sleep

7 Aim for this session Raising awareness & understanding
Noticing challenges, recognising strengths Where to go for help and what happens then Take action!


9 DCD (Dyspraxia) Fine/gross motor skills Organisation Time management Dyslexia Reading Auditory memory Organisation Time management Dyscalculia Numbers and maths concepts Autistic Spectrum Disorder Social communication Highly focused interests Sensory sensitivity ADHD Distractibility Impulsiveness Restlessness Hyperfocus Tourette’s ‘tics’ Hyper-arousal leading to lack of sleep

10 Dyslexia – a catch all someone with dyslexia may have difficulties with:
reading organisation time management word retrieval memory – auditory & visual multi-tasking prioritising writing telling right from left pronouncing long words with several syllables visual stress spelling focusing/easily distracted sequencing

11 Impact & implications for trainee doctors at
Our focus for today Reading Memory Organisation Impact & implications for trainee doctors at work & study/revision

12 Reading



15 Same on paper


17 Memory



20 Reading difficulties Picture of doctor reading


22 Feedback from a Paediatricians
ST2 “…….one of the most helpful things we did was to explore how I have learned in the past and aspects of hobbies that I have which we could use as strategies for tackling revision. The boards are fantastic and a great way to get some revision done after a long day when you're tired; really useful for people in busy jobs such as doctors. It made me focus even when exhausted and I could look at my diagrams on my phone in odd moments. This pictorial way of learning meant I could ‘see’ the information in the exam. I would recommend that anybody who is struggling with revision invests in a big whiteboard!”

23 Organisation

24 “You have made me realise I can do things differently”
“I feel overwhelmed and overloaded. They don’t understand how my dyslexia makes me even more tired. It is such an effort.” “I really need a paper list as I cannot remember everything I need to in my head.” “You have made me realise I can do things differently” Quotes from my Trainee Doctors “One of the biggest issues is working in departments where the rules are strict for no reason. No paper lists for example – these could be shredded at the end of the day.” “I realise now that I can accept myself as I am. I know I am a good practitioner and a decent diagnostician. I am aiming at jobs where I can use my strengths.” “I have always had to work harder than anyone else – I could never go out and party at uni or I wouldn’t be able to cope with the workload.”

25 What you see is only the tip of the iceberg….

26 Give support, Get support
What? Where? How? When? Give support, Get support

27 Summary Doctors with neurodiverse conditions (e.g. dyslexia) have strengths and talents as well as challenges Dyslexia is a complex condition - each individual is different Specific support is available – seek it out, don’t delay!

28 Thank you

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