EU / Russia – interoperable Automatic Train Protection

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Presentation on theme: "EU / Russia – interoperable Automatic Train Protection"— Presentation transcript:

1 EU / Russia – interoperable Automatic Train Protection
Klaus Mindel Transportation Systems Transportation Systems

2 Automatic Train Protection - an interoperability obstacle
Area A Area B On-board ATP A ATP B ATP A ATP B trackside Transportation Systems Transportation Systems

3 Automatic Train Protection – how to achieve interoperability
Area A Area B On-board ATP C ATP C ATP C ATP C trackside Variant 1: Implement a common ATP system (and manage migration) Transportation Systems Transportation Systems

4 Automatic Train Protection – how to achieve interoperability
Area A Area B On-board ETCS ETCS ETCS ETCS trackside Variant 1: Implement a common ATP system – ETCS is the prefered choice as an established standard Transportation Systems Transportation Systems

5 Automatic Train Protection – how to achieve interoperability
Area A Area B On-board ETCS ATP B Standard STM Interface ETCS ATP B trackside Variant 2: Install all necessary ATP systems on-board (including transition control) – ETCS includes a standard STM (Specific Transmission Module) interface Transportation Systems Transportation Systems

6 Automatic Train Protection - an interoperability obstacle
ETCS substitutes ALL European legacy systems Includes almost all features of all (European) legacy systems Can cover all national (European) operational conditions Provides Multi-sourcing - Avoid Vendor Lock-In Future proof – roadmap established for future evolutions But does it satisfy RU railway needs? What are the specific requirements of RU railways ? Technical backgound, why ETCS is worldwide successfull Transportation Systems Transportation Systems

7 ERTMS technological evolutions
ETMS KERNEL Eurobalises/ odometry Virtual balises / Satellite (GPS-Galileo-Egnos) GSM-R IP-based Communication ATO RU Specific Requirements ? Sub- urban lines Other radio comm. bearer Reduce trackside elements ERTMS KERNEL Carefully controlled evolution of ERTMS to cover worldwide requirements >> variant 1

8 Train centric solution for an EU / RU interoperable ATP
ETCS OBS RU OBS Standard STM Interface ? OR Specific solution ? Common on-board solution combining EU & RU ATP >> variant 2 Transportation Systems Transportation Systems

9 Get the most out of your assets Transportation Systems
THALES – Transportation Systems Division – rue Grange Dame Rose – Vélizy Villacoublay – France Transportation Systems Transportation Systems

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