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AJAX Chapters 19, 20.

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1 AJAX Chapters 19, 20

2 What it stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX, an acronym)
It's still a loose collection of technologies, as DHTML is. It's not really new--just a new idea Jesse James Garrett coined the term, so he's considered the "founder" (in this article). Note schema is also in Teague book

3 The core object in the DOM is
As you saw in the Sitepoint video, there are a lot of variations. Often, as in the book something other than XML is used to connect to server-side content, e.g. PHP, ASP, JSP, CFML, SSI The core object in the DOM is XMLHttpRequest() AJAX generally is a good thing, but it limits accessibility and SEO (There's a section on what Web 2.0 is here, for some reason.)

4 The formula Action + event + fetch data + server process + filter data (browser processes server response) = reaction (page updated) Key properties readyState (status of server request) responseText (string returned from server) onreadystatechange (automatic event handler)

5 One basic AJAX example This fetches data from a PHP page
Note inclusion of earlier Microsoft ActiveX object Microsoft.XMLHTTP Keys again are XMLHttpRequest() object.innerHTML Other examples show POST back to the server, and filtering/error checking For more, try

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