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Chapter 8: Recurrent associative networks and episodic memory

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8: Recurrent associative networks and episodic memory"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8: Recurrent associative networks and episodic memory
Fundamentals of Computational Neuroscience Chapter 8: Recurrent associative networks and episodic memory Dec 09

2 Memory classification scheme (Squire)

3 Auto-associative memory and the hippocampus
David Marr: Simple memory: a theory for archicortex, 1971

4 Point attractor neural network (ANN)

5 ann_cont.m

6 ann_fixpoint.m

7 Memory breakdown

8 Probabilistic RNN

9 Phase diagram

10 Noisy weights and diluted attractor networks

11 How o minimize interference between patterns?

12 Expansion re-coding (e.g. dentate gyrus)

13 Sparse patterns

14 Three nodes with  and -  coupling: Lorenz attractor

15 Cohen-Grossberg theorem

16 Recurrent networks with non-symmetric weights

17 Further readings

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